Thursday 8 September 2022

Irish teacher jailed after refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns


Under Arrest - Enoch Burke

An Irish teacher who refused to use gender-neutral pronouns, has been sent to Mountjoy prison, for contempt of court. Enoch Burke, a devout Christian, refused to call a transitioning student a girl, when he was a boy, and refused to use the pronoun 'they' rather than 'he', when addressing the student. He was incarcerated because he insisted on going to work after the court banned him from doing so. Mountjoy jail, is where another Irish martyr, Kevin Barry, was imprisoned, before being hung by the British in November 1920, aged 18.

Article 9 of the Human Rights Act, protects an individuals right to freedom of thought, belief, and religion. You also have the right to put your thoughts and beliefs into action. This also applies in Ireland. After the judge sent him down, Mr Burke, said: "It is insanity that I will be led from this courtroom to a place of incarceration, but I will not give up my Christian beliefs."

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