Tuesday 1 October 2024

Compulsory Meat In Schools Should Be Scrapped, Says Dale Vince.


Dale Vince

The multimillionaire green entrepreneur and vegan, Dale Vince, says he wants to speak to the government about banning schools from supplying meat and dairy products to children in their school meals. He also wants to ban the farming of animals which he believes is one of the biggest threats to the environment. He says that a plant-based diet is much healthier for children and much better for the environment.

Vince shouldn't find it much of a problem talking to the Labour government about this issue or gaining access to government ministers, because he's one of Labour's biggest financial donors, having given the Labour Party £5m out of the profits he's made from selling vegan meals to primary schools. His business interests include 'Devil's Kitchen', which already provides a quarter of vegan meals to English primary schools. He also owns the green energy firm Ecotricity and a green football club, Forest Green Rovers.

Although the law currently requires schools in England to serve a "portion of meat and poultry on three or more days each week", guidance on a healthy diet for children, also recommends plenty of fruit and vegetables and dairy products. Most doctors would recommend that their patients eat a balanced diet which includes meat, poultry, and dairy products, in order to remain healthy. Some medical professionals do argue that a vegan or vegetarian diet can lead to vitamin and nutritional deficiency. Nevertheless, Dale Vance wants the Labour government to change the law so schools are not required to provide meat, poultry and dairy products, to primary school children.

Personally, I wouldn't want this kind of vegan plant-based diet foisted on myself or my children, nor do I believe that a vegan diet, is healthier for young children or adults. A vegan or vegetarian diet is not much use to an Eskimo or anybody who lives in a cold climate. Dale Vince has a vested interest in promoting the take up of vegan meals and green technologies because he's made himself a very rich man by doing so.

I suspect that Dale Vince is another one of those vegetarian cranks, who would tell us that man didn't evolve to eat meat but crawled about on all fours eating acorns and berries in a state of nature. If this was true, which I don't accept for a moment, then he should explain why most human beings eat meat and are equipped with 32 teeth and a bite force of 162 pounds per square inch, which is very useful when it comes to eating meat.

Archaeologist have discovered flint arrowheads in the skulls of woolly mammoths and Clovis points have been found across Ice Age sites in America, lodged in mammoth skeletons. They've also found pig bones at Neolithic sites like Stonehenge. There's little doubt that early man was a hunter, carnivore, and scavenger, who would eat anything he could lay his hands on to sustain himself. We know that when humans are faced with starvation and hunger, they will eat almost anything including other human beings.


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