1880-1914 CONFERENCE
Saturday 17 September
This one-day conference will celebrate the battles and
achievements of working-class women in the drive to
achieve a fairer and more balanced society. The decades
spanning the turn of the twentieth century saw an upsurge
in female activism as women began to organise
themselves into trade unions, take part in the socialist
debates on social and economic change, and demand the
Radical women not only battled against the gender-
conservative males within their family or community
but also those who claimed to be fighting for equality.
There will be keynote addresses by Professor Sheila
Rowbotham, University of Manchester and Professor
Karen Hunt, Keele University. Papers include the Cabin
Restaurant waitresses strike of 1908; the life of Crewe
tailoress, campaigner, activitist and author Ada Neild Chew;
the forgotten history of domestic servants in women’s suffrage;
radical women and the bicycle; suffragette Constance Lytton
# and the cause of prison reform; plus many more.
Full programme details:
Tickets: £20 (£7.50 unwaged) including lunch and refreshments

Saturday Library Opening
Don't forget we're open on the first Saturday of most
months - the next one is Saturday 6 August 2016,
10am to 4pm.

FREE TALK Wednesday
14th September 2pm
Pit Props: music,
international solidarity
and the 1984/85
miners' strike
A new book from the Campaign for Press and
Broadcasting Freedom, edited by Granville Williams,
marks the end of an era in coal mining in the UK
and highlights how the year-long struggle by the
miners in defence of jobs and communities still
resonates today. Details here.
This free talk is part of our autumn Invisible
Histories series. All welcome.
Want the Earth' 28 September
- early 2017
On the centenary of the Easter Rising an exhibition
exploring the life of one of its leaders, James Connolly,
will be on display here at the Library.
No Power on Earth - Living History performance
Based on the true story of Salford man, James Hudson,
this monologue tells the story of an ordinary school teacher
at the start of the First World War who finds himself at odds
with the popular mood. The story, written by Sue Reddish,
celebrates his courage to stay true to his beliefs despite
considerable pressure, and asks the audience to consider
what they would do in such a circumstance.
This was performed at both the Library and in local schools
earlier this year. The script is now available for download
from this page on our website. Although the copyright is ours,
we would be delighted if others use it and put on their own
performances; just let us know so we can help publicise it.
CALLS FOR PAPERS Radical Footnotes
Radical Footnotes is an independent typographic space
committed to bring forward the printed expression of the
Working Class. Call for proposals: submit a short
discourse addressing problems, analyzing developments,
points of contention, methodologies, approaches and
insights concerning:
‘DAS KAPITAL’ the one hundred and fiftieth
anniversary of its publication
Deadline: December 2016
Details here http://www.socialhistoryportal.org/news/articles/308422
The Women
and Girls of Crewe,
the North of England,
and Beyond 1880-2016
One Day Conference -
Wednesday 7th, December 2016 Manchester Metropolitan University, Crewe
Proposals are invited for this free one day interdisciplinary
conference inspired by the life and works of the suffragist,
author and labour rights campaigner Ada Nield Chew and
the forthcoming centenary of the Representation of the
People Act.
Deadline: 7 August 2016
Details here:
http://www.localyouthengagement.org/uncategorized/call-for-papers/ |
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