Showing posts with label Councillor Cecile Biante. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillor Cecile Biante. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Accident on Rooley Moor Road

Dear Editor

Accident on Rooley Moor Road

The recent accident on Rooley Moor Road illustrates the problem of speeding on this stretch of road and the reluctance of Councillors to do anything about it. 

Indeed a proposed initiate by Councillor Biant to look at traffic on this road will make it more dangerous, making speeding more likely.  In January 2018 Councillor Biant commissioned a study in order to 'increase traffic flow' and to introduce 'a scheme formally promote any (parking restrictions) proposed'.  Speeding is not mentioned or considered in this study.

Highways will carry out the study and agree it with councillors.  Residents only get to comment AFTER the restrictions on parking are agreed.  The cost is £4,500.  All concerns by residents about speeding on this road are ignored.  We have asked for information about the survey and to make comments BEFORE proposals on introducing parking restrictions are agreed.  We have pointed out that removing parked cars from along the route will enable cars to go even faster.  The obvious fact that parked cars slow down traffic is even acknowledged in surveys carried out by highways on other roads.

The council, councillors and highway employees refuse to talk to us in any way or to businesses. Emails are not even acknowledged, let alone answered. They seem to have undertaken a vow of silence. What price local democracy and representing the concerns of residents? Who do these councillors think they are?

In respect to 'traffic flow', it only takes 90 seconds to travel the length of the road identified in the survey.  Traffic does not have to use Rooley Moor Road, it is not the main route into town from Norden or Bury.  Hold ups last for a matter of seconds.  Single and double yellow lines are not wanted by residents.  What is needed are measures to tackle speeding.  The recent crash was an accident waiting to happen.  Why are councillors ignoring our concerns?  They answer to the electorate, make sure do in the local elections in May.

Mick Coats
66 Rooley Moor Road

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Speeding & Parked Cars in Rochdale

 Editorial note:  The e-mail below was sent to Steve Rumbelow.
Rochdale Chief Executive, when Mick Coats failed to get a
satisfactory explanation from his local councillors.  As yet he
hasn't had an answer from Mr. Rumbelow either.  This all
relates to the traffic survey threatened by the councillors. 
See post below this one.

Email to the Chief Executive
Actions of my local councillor for Spotland and Falinge 12/11/18
As a resident of Rooley Moor Road I have been concerned with the intended, and unintended consequences of the proposed survey.  The aims of the survey is to speed up traffic flow and to introduce more no parking and no waiting areas along the route of Rooley Moor Road from the Spotland mini roundabouts to Ings Lane.  It was commissioned by Councillor Biant earlier this year at a cost of £4,500.

The route takes approxiately one minute and thirty seconds to travel.  It is not a main through route such as Edenfield Road or Bury Road.  Even with pausing at points where cars are parked, this figure never exceeds two minutes.  In addition there have been few accidents and none causing any physical harm. (Numbers over the last two years not reaching double figures, unlike the traffic problems of Spotland roundabout).  Questions have been asked at local Spotland Forums by myself and others as to why this survey was commissioned.
The main problem is the unintended consequences of clearing the road of stopped or parked cars.
Cars will be able to speed even more along the road.  Speeding cars is our biggest problem,.as was acknowledged at the last council meeting.  Parked cars help to limit car speeds.  A survey conducted in 2017 over one week found 600 plus cars travelling at over 40mph.

At a meeting with Councillor Rana, he agreed that the survey was a mistake for the reasons outlined above and was asked to look into cancelling the survey.  He agreed to do this.
In a subsequent email he said that the survey could not be cancelled as it was 'imminent'.  However a later email from Highways says that 'Due to current workload the scheme has yet to be assigned to an engineer.'   It does not sound to be particularly 'imminent'

I was hoping that Councillor Biant would realize that her email was inappropriate and for her to give me an apology.  It may be that she was distracted or confused as she failed to appreciate the danger of increasing car speeds along Rooley Moor Road.

Councillor Biant says she has received complaints about parked cars but gives no further information. If she spoke to residents she would see that the overwhelming problem is speeding cars. In the process associated with the traffic survey, residents are not consulted until ward councillors agree recommendations made by the survey.  A back to front process, wasteful and inefficient.  It does not fit with the councillors as representative of residents.

I would like you to give your consideration to this issue, rather than refer it to the complaints procedure (which, in the past, I have found to be flawed).  I would also appreciates an apology from councillor Biant and possibly a token payment to a local charity such as Petrus.


Mick Coats

Rush Hour & a Traffic Survey!

by Mick Coats
EARLIER this year we found out that a local councillor had commissioned a traffic survey (at a cost of £4,500) to specifically identify where parking and waiting restrictions could be introduced on Rooley Moor Road.  This was to increase traffic flow and visibility.  It takes one minute and 30 seconds to travel this route and there have been little or no problems of hold ups.   There have been very few (and no serious) accidents along this short stretch of residential road. Furthermore it is not the main through route to town.  The problem is that the introduction of these measures would result in speeding cars going even more quickly and making the road more dangerous.  This has been pointed out to councillors and the Chief Executive but has been ignored.

In October, two residents of Rooley Moor Road,  Carl Faulkner and Mick Coats, met with Councillor Rana to discuss the issue.  He agreed that the intended outcome of the survey would result with an increase in cars speeding along this road and said he would look into the possibility of stopping the survey.

He subsequently emailed that he could not stop the survey as it was 'imminent and will happen very soon (and) can not be stopped now '.  However an email from highways received shortly afterwards says that 'Due to current workload the scheme has yet to be assigned an engineer'.

Not what you would call 'imminent'.

In response to this Councillor Biant saw fit to insult the residents concerned and ignore the issues raised.

A subsequent email to Councillor Rana asking for clarification has been unanswered.
Why do these public servants show such contempt for the residents of Rochdale?  They appear to believe that they have a sense of entitlement to do as they wish.  The record of public servants in Rochdale is appalling.  The council leader is currently in front of the Standards committee, the previous leader being investigated by the police and an MP (fully supported by both of these people) fell from office after sex texting a 17 year old.

As described in Private Eye, Rochdale has certainly become a rotten borough.


Friday, 24 August 2018

How Often did Councillor Rana Vote Twice?

He only lacks a knowledge of English Law! 
by Brian Bamford
LAST night at Spotland Methodist Church in Rochdale during a meeting of a local Forum, a boisterous Councillor Cecille Biant vigorously defended the notorious Rochdale Councillor 'Two Votes' Rana and rounded on his critics.  She insisted that he was totally innocent politically, and why on earth should he be expected to understand that he shouldn't vote twice.  She said that the press had been harsh it its treatment of Councillor Rana, who had simply been supplied with two ballot papers because he was registered at two addresses - one in Norden and one in the Spotland and Falinge ward, and thought he could vote twice.

We were further told by a character witness sitting next to Councillor Biant, that Councillor Rana was a 'honest man' and a 'kind man',

The chairman (Phil Massey: Councillor Rana's Agent) urging the meeting to accept that the police had dealt with the matter and drawn a line under it, said:  'The police have decided that there was "no guilty intent" and that's why they have given him a caution'.  

Others present at the meeting argued that this was not the case, and that by accepting a police caution meant that Councillor Faisal Rana had accepted his own guilt, and had been forced to give an apology for his actions.

Faisal Rana was not available last night to give an account for himself.  Last Saturday, he sent an e-mail to Northern Voices which reads as follows:  '

'Thank you very much for your email. I will not be available from 16/8/2018 to 30/8/2018. I will reply to your email on my return.'

Faisal Rana's Twitter account now reads:
This account's Tweets are protected.’

Only confirmed followers have access to @FaisalRana48's Tweets and complete profile. 

It's extraordinary how the Labour Party establishment in Rochdale thinks it can hold to a spirit of moral minimalism when it comes to governance of the town.  A few years ago with the former Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk, the citizens of the town felt themselves to be knee-deep in degradation and filth, and that things couldn't possibly get any worse.  Then we were blessed with a council leader, Richard Farnell, who couldn't recall untoward events under his rule alleged to have taken place at Knowl View School for Boys, and has since been accused of perjury..  Then there was Council leader Allen Brett threatening the gerrymandering of funds against those areas of the town opposed to his rule and that of the Labour Party.  

In each of these cases the culprits have held onto their positions for as long as possible, thus ultimately compounding the damage to themselves and their party and in doing so continuing to undermine the image of the town itself.  So it shouldn't surprise us that now the self confessed election fraud Councillor Rana is a chip off the old block, and at present is hiding from the spotlight of publicity.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Traffic survey on Rooley Mooor Road – why?

by Mick Coats

AT the recent Spotland and Falinge Forum there was a report , as usual, from the police. As part of the report the police asked residents for their priorities.  The problem of speeding was identified as of considerable concern for the vast majority of local residents with people giving examples of cars speeding.  One of the main concerns related to Rooley Moor Road.

Later in the meeting a proposed traffic survey on Rooley Moor Road was discussed.  One of the Councillors (the only one present) had asked for a survey as she believed there was a problem with 'the flow of traffic and visibility at bends and junctions'.and claimed that this had been raised with her.  No evidence of who raised this issue or if they even lived along, or next to Rooley Moor Road  or even in Rochdale was provided.  However it was clear from the discussion that there was no evidence of anyone being held up for more than a few seconds.  There have also been few accidents and no serious ones.

So why the survey? Some residents questioned the intention of the survey and again commented that the real issue was cars speeding. According to the council the study was to be undertaken 'to identify locations for new waiting restrictions.' Also, following consultation 'a scheme will be drafted to formally promote any restrictions proposed'. It seems that residents will have no choice as to whether we want waiting and parking restrictions, but just a say in where they might be.
Talking to people in the area and those attending the meeting, the feeling was, and is that the problem is speeding, not parked cars.

Indeed parked cars reduce the opportunity of vehicles to speed and the speed they can achieve!

In addition cars will be forced to park on the side roads and emerging from side streets has been identified as where accidents are more likely to occur. It will be more difficult as well, as cars on the main road will probably be going faster.

In a traffic survey undertaken with regard to the speed of traffic on Rooley Moor Road in 2017 (March), it was found that over 600 cars were travelling at over 40 mph. This survey was conducted over one week. Removing parked and waiting cars will allow these drivers to go even faster.

Who will benefit from the intended outcomes of the survey? Not people driving in from Bury and Ramsbottom as they will use Edenfield Road. Not local people faced with speeding cars and more difficulty parking. Possibly people living in Caldershaw, but Edenfield Road is probably their best route into town. People living in Mountain Ash and Lane Head may be able to come into the town one or two minutes quicker. So why did Councillor Biant commission the survey, costing thousands of pounds?

This illustrates the problem we have with Councillors. They are unaccountable and lack respect or consideration for the views of residents and this is but one example. I suppose that given the political affiliation of our Councillors, at least we will have our pot holes filled in!!


Saturday, 14 April 2018

Seeking Facts in a Sea of Obfuscation

by Brian Bamford
CARL FAULKNER, the Independent candidate for Spotland and Falinge ward in the coming local elections in Rochdale on May 3rd, has written a letter to the Rochdale ONLINE Blog complaining about how people have been excluded from the cabinet meetings of Rochdale Council. 

Mr Faulkner writes:  'It is my belief that the authority which permits this, is being abused to prevent press and public scrutiny of contentious matters.'

He gives a local example 'discussions that have been taking place with a view to the leasing out of Falinge Park to a private organisation (Vintage Worx).  The incentive being that this organisation will then be able to apply for external funding grants of up to £2.5 million, to help maintain and improve the park (this is a claim made by the company itself).  There has been no public discussion of this proposal.'

 And he claims:  'Labour councillors and at least one senior council employee, are actively preventing public and press scrutiny of the plans to lease out the park.'

This suggests a reluctance on the part of the Rochdale Labour council to let the public know what is going on.

In his letter Mr. Faulkner tells us the '...process [to lease out Falinge Park to a private organisation (Vintage Worx)] commenced with the presentation of a report by Mark Widdup (Director of Neighbourhoods) at a Cabinet meeting held on 1 February 2017.'

And surprise, surprise, he tells us that 'at that meeting it was recommended that both he and Councillor Cecile Biant should be appointed to the board of Vintage Worx.'

But then there was no proper public scrutiny, because the press and public were not allowed to be present when the report was presented.  At the same time there has been no public discussion of this matter at any public forum before or since that time.

Now given what has happened with the basket-case company Carillion in Tameside, where the former Labour leader of Tameside MBC, Kieran Quinn, truly had his feet under the table with the Carillion bosses through his power base on Tameside Council and his seat a the head of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund, it may be of some concern that the Rochdale Labour Councillor Cecile Biant is ascending to the board of Vintage Worx*.  Vintage Worx is not another basket-case giant like Carillion PLC, rather it is a pygmy development trust that could be an acorn from which great oaks grow.

Vintage Worx describes itself as 'a community led not for profit organisation' registered at Companies HouseThis development trust seems to survive by applying for grants for what can presented as good causes, and a place like the notoriously deprived Falinge presents itself as something of a honey pot for grant gathering

But what really worries Carl Faulkner, who I spoke to this morning, is the secrecy which surrounds these kind of operations and developments in Rochdale.  

He writes:  'Falinge Park was donated to the people of this town over a century ago.  It therefore belongs to the people of this town.  It is not a council purchased capital asset.  It is for the people of this town to have a say in how it is managed and whether or not its legal status should change.
Any procedure to change its status – particularly if finance is an overriding concern – should be open and transparent.'

 Is this a vain expectation given that Rochdale is virtually a one-party state with no serious opposition from the conservative councillors.

*  Meet Vintage Worx Community Development Trust:
Vintage Worx Community Development Trust (CDT) is a community led not for profit organisation dedicated to removing barriers to opportunities and committed to helping people maximise their talents and realise their full potential.
Based within Falinge Park, the local park of one of the most deprived areas of the country, the team of passionate volunteers who run Vintage worx have a nine year track record of successful engagement with the local community, a record that has only been possible through the sheer volume of community involvement in the projects, activities and events that are delivered.


Thursday, 30 March 2017

Green Activist Mick Coat's Statement

 on the Rochdale Turner Brothers Asbestos Site:

I must apologise for my unavoidable absence; accordingly I have submitted this written report with regard to matters surrounding the TBA site and my concerns.  Clearly there are a number of issues that should be in the public domain.
Afterall it is us who are most affected by the problems of this highly contaminated site.

This is the question I put to Rochdale Township regarding the TBA site.
'Has the site survey on contamination been completed?  Are there any preliminary results and will these be shared with RMBC councillors and council officers?  Will these be shared with the Save Spodden Valley group?  What action do the owners intend to take to remove the illegally dumped rubbish on their site? What progress has been made in terms of prosecution by the Environment Agency?  What action has the council taken to address the public health threat posed by this rubbish to the residents of Rochdale?'
I recieved the following replies.
First, the survey has been completed this month.  Originally we were told it would be completed in 3 weeks in October.  However it took 4 to 5 months.

Secondly, I asked if preliminary results would be shared with councillors, council officers or experts from Save Spodden Valley?  The response was that the report would eventually be published at a later date. Presumably the answer to my question was 'no'.

Thirdly I asked about all the rubbish that had been dumped on the site by the lorry load.  No information was forthcoming about a prosecution by the Environment Agency, the response being that this was in the hands of the Environment Agency.
No comment was made with regard to the council's duty to protect public health.

I prefaced my question by saying that in the light of the council's wish to see 250 houses on site (Stragetic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2016) the problems of the site should be dealt with in a transparent and open way.
In addition I offered to take councillors and council officers round the site to show them my concerns. This was met with a stoney silence from the councillors.  Clearly not interested.

Subsequently Cllr Biant has ascerted that the rubbish is 'mainly inert'.
What does she mean by 'inert' – not dangerous, not disease ridden, not contaminated?  What tests have been done?  As this is private land what tests have the site owners undertaken, or have the council undertaken tests on behalf of the owners?  Can we have access to the results of these tests?
And most alarmingly,  MAINLY inert. I really do not think that mainly is good enough. Just a few germs, a little bit of asbestos?   Not good enough.

It seems that the phrase 'mainly inert' is more appropriately applied to councillors, not the rubbish on site.

Mick Coats
Rooley Moor Road

Friday, 24 March 2017

Answer to Councillor Cecile Biant in Fly-Tip Row

from Mick Coats:
JUST a few thoughts on Cllr Biants email to you:
First and foremost, the reply to my request for information has not been properly answered.
My original email was sent at the beginning of February, seven weeks ago.  That's a long holiday.
I never said, sorry 'proclaimed' that I was an expert. What I said was that Save Spodden Valley (SSV) have access to international experts.
Incidentally, untill my recent retirement I was a Chartered Member of the Institute of Safety and Health (CMIOSH) with my own health and safety company. You say that you are
'Familiar with (my) employment over many years' - what does that mean?
The piles of rubbish have littered the site for over 6 months and it is not possible to ascertain whether they are a threat to public health without due examination. What does 'mainly inert' mean in this context? 'Mainly' is not reassuring!
I am surprised at your description of councillors - Cllr Farnell, Cllr Brett, 'positive, knowledgeable, friendly, relaxed, and diligent.' Really?
Which (and who's) emails are 'hell-bent on nastiness or self indulgence'?  Examples please.  With regard to councillors, you say -
'Most (not all, name the ones who haven't) of us have a great deal of common sense, wisdom and experience'.
So why do you want to see 250 houses built on a highly contaminated site?
More substance, openness and cooperation would benefit resolution of the problems of this highly contaminated site which has been responsible for blighting, and ending, the lives of so many residents of Rochdale.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Councillor Cecile Biant on Fly-Tipping

Rochdale Councillor Biant representing Spotland & Falign Ward!
FOLLOWING the report in Northern Voices on the Rochdale Township Committeee Meeting at the Riverside building in Rochdale town centre, one of the Labour councillors for Spotland & Falinge ward, Cecile Biante, sent the response below.  Spotand & Falinge ward is where Spodden Valey is situated. (Editor)
Hello Brian,
What a lot of nonsense! We already had a paper in front of us with the answers to the questions which the officer read out, and the ward councillors knew anyway. The Head of Public Protection had been on leave for 2 weeks, that is why Mick Coates did not get a specific response from Wendy Cocks, a fellow Councillor, as she wanted to check for any updates beforehand. We discuss TBA frequently informally.
Mick proclaimed that he is an expert, and I am familiar with his employment over many years, but he apparently failed to notice that the illegal tipping was mainly inert material which did not pose an immediate health risk. The Environment Agency are dealing with this, not the Council. Mick Coates has been sent the answers to his questions  which I would have thought he would have shared with you by now.
The Councillors are all positive, friendly, knowledgeable, relaxed and diligent. We always try to respond to emails which are brief, civil, genuine requests, but not to those who are hell bent on nastiness or self-indulgence. Life is too short for that.
Most of us have a great deal of common sense, wisdom and experience. We are neither sullen nor were we sitting stiffly.
Please send me a photograph of how you sit, as I am curious to know how it compares with the Councillors present last night.
With best wishes,
Cecile Biant