Accident on Rooley Moor Road
The recent accident on Rooley Moor Road illustrates the problem of speeding on this stretch of road and the reluctance of Councillors to do anything about it.
a proposed initiate by Councillor Biant to look at traffic on this road
will make it more dangerous, making speeding more likely. In January
2018 Councillor
Biant commissioned a study in order to 'increase traffic flow' and to
'a scheme formally promote any (parking restrictions)
proposed'. Speeding is not mentioned or considered in this study.
will carry out the study and agree it with councillors. Residents only
get to comment AFTER the restrictions on parking are agreed. The cost is
£4,500. All
concerns by residents about speeding on this road are ignored. We have
asked for information about the survey and to make comments BEFORE
proposals on introducing parking restrictions are agreed. We have
pointed out that removing parked cars from along the
route will enable cars to go even faster. The obvious fact that parked
cars slow down traffic is even acknowledged in surveys carried out by
highways on other roads.
council, councillors and highway employees refuse to talk to us in any
way or to businesses. Emails are not even acknowledged, let alone
answered. They seem to have undertaken
a vow of silence. What price local democracy and representing the
concerns of residents? Who do these councillors think they are?
respect to 'traffic flow', it only takes 90 seconds to travel the
length of the road identified in the survey. Traffic does not have to
use Rooley Moor Road, it is not the main
route into town from Norden or Bury. Hold ups last for a matter of
seconds. Single and double yellow lines are not wanted by residents.
What is needed are measures to tackle speeding. The recent crash was an
accident waiting to happen. Why are councillors
ignoring our concerns? They answer to the electorate, make sure do in
the local elections in May.
Mick Coats
66 Rooley Moor Road