Strangling Civil Liberties on a United Front
by Brian Bamford
Tonight, at Rochdale Town Hall's Full Council meeting of the Rochdale Town Council, it was more like watching a stage show of Bertold Brecht's
'Threpenny Opera' than serious politics. It was like viewing a tribe of back-patting gangsters as both the Tory and Labour politicians vied with each other to heap on the praise. Talk about cosy council politics!
Councillor Liam O'Rourke even pontificated on how often the local Tories would join up with the governing Labour lads and lassies to proclaim and pass proposals and present a united front, no matter the perverse political origins of the proposals. At one stage we were left wondering if the bashful Councillor Blundell was having an affair with one of the Tory lassies, so intimate was their demeanour.
There is much of the tragi-comedy about politics in Rochdale these days, which even in its own petty way rivals Brexit and Trump on the stage of national and international politics.
A major asbestos scandal has dogged the town for decades, the site of the former asbestos factory is now fast becoming a dump for waste which is being fly-tipped on an industrial scale; buildings surrounding the town centre neglected for decades are now cracking and disintegrating to such an extent that recently the trams to the town centre had to be stopped and buses diverted; travelling people now threaten Cronkeyshaw Common; market traders disappointed with the poorness of their trade in groceries have formed a co-op and are threatening to leave the town and now the Greater Manchester Spatial Strategy threatening the Green Belt around Rochdale.
But recently, it has been the proposals for issuing Public Space Protection Orders with on-the-spot penalties that has been causing consternation. And this seems to be where the Tories and labour parties are uniting most. Tonight, Councillor Sullivan and Councillor Howard moved and seconded a motion for extending the imposition of Protection Orders to the proximity of schools. The motion stated:
'This Council welcomes the future consultation on potential use of Public Space Protection Orders in the Town Centre and recommends the introduction of similar Orders to enhance road safety outside schools. As a Council we are committed to protecting the safety and welfare of the Borough's children, which is often put at risk by irresponsible parking outside schools. The Council calls upon the Cabinet to develop proposals to trail Public Space Protection Orders around schools with known parking problems to tackle the associated risk to children, parents and carers; and following a period of monitoring to establish the success of this intuitive, the Council should explore options to roll out a programme of Protection Orders around schools.'
What this means is that extra unnecessary laws will be brought in by the law-makers of Rochdale to duplicate laws that already exists. Natural justice, it seems, will now be binned in Rochdale!
What began with a Labour Party campaign to clean-up Rochdale Town Centre of beggars and other
'wrong-uns' , is now moving relentlessly on to a campaign against improper parking around school yards. To get support for the motion one councilor last night even invoked images of car-keys being snatched by an angry schoolmaster trying to restore order and cat-fights by parents outside the school gate over parking spaces as mothers hung up their handbags to freely sally-forth in a fiery frenzy claiming the right of place to a space nearest to the school gates.
Bring on the
'On-the-Spot' Fines for Rochdale's disabled beggars and down and outs!
Let's have more
'Public Space Protection Orders' against irate parents who park badly!
The good Councillor Jane Howard, the Shadow Portfolio Holder for Adult Care and seconder of the motion relating to good order at School Gates, even whinged last night about not just swearing, but about one councilor actually
'blaspheming in this Council Chamber' she said, as had happened at the last full council meeting.
With such examples of innate wickedness, the good councilors of the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale couldn't vote the motion through quick enough! The band-wagon to corral the public is underway! Bring on the Zoo-Keepers!
* The Beggar's Opera is the story
satirised politics, poverty and injustice, focusing on the theme of
corruption at all levels of society.
Lavinia Fenton,
the first Polly Peachum, became an overnight success. Her pictures were
in great demand, verses were written to her and books published about
Elisabeth Hauptmann (with
Bertolt Brecht) and
Kurt Weill adapted the opera into
Die Dreigroschenoper (
The Threepenny Opera) in 1928, sticking closely to the original plot and characters but with a new libretto and mostly new music.