Saturday 12 August 2023

West Yorkshire Police slammed over arrest of disabled autistic child!


Earlier this week, seven police officers dragged a screaming 16-year old autistic girl from her home in Leeds, Yorkshire, after she said that a WPC "was a lesbian like nana." The police said the girl had been arrested on suspicion of an "homophobic public order offence."

The girl, who also suffers from the spinal disability scoliosis, had been driven to her home in Leeds after attending the city's Gay Pride celebrations with her sister. Her mother accused the police of overreacting and denied that her daughter was homophobic.

West Yorkshire Police, were accused of "heavy-handedness", after footage of the incident was filmed and put on TikTok by the girl's mother. The footage, went viral, and provoked a furious backlash after the girl was seen cowering in a corner of the hallway as her mother pleads with the police that her daughter is autistic, and didn't mean to offend the police officer. The police are then seen to drag the child away screaming.

West Yorkshire Police, later announced that they would be taking no further action and were releasing the girl from bail. They said a review of the arrest was ongoing.

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