Monday 7 August 2023

More dentists opting out of NHS.


It's a topsy-turvy world. Increasingly, fewer dentists in the UK, are prepared to take on NHS patients even though they're trained by the NHS. Yet, you can get a sex change operation on the NHS, at a cost of £19,236 per patient. The dentists say that they lose money if they treat NHS patients.

It seems ridiculous that the British taxpayer pays for the tuition fees and training of dentists, but yet in many cases, they can't get dental treatment on the NHS. Dental treatment was free at the point of use when the NHS was introduced in 1948, but in 1952, charges for patients were introduced.

I agree that government funding should cover the reasonable costs of dental treatment. It looks like the present system has been set up to fail. Yet, if dentists won't treat NHS patients, then I think it's about time, that they started to pay for their own training and not burden the taxpayer with having to pay for it. No treatment, No Bursary.

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