Saturday 26 November 2016

Rape Defendant Claims 'Conspiracy'!

PLEADING 'Not Guilty' at Manchester Crown Court to 15 charges of rape, one of attempted rape and one of indecent assault stretching back to the early 1990s, the defendant Michael Burke, 38, of College Bank, Rochdale, hit back at his accusers suggesting that there had been a 'conspiracy' in bringing the charges against him.
Two of the girls were of school age, reported the Manchester Evening News.
Fourteen of the charges are in relation to two girls, who were under 14 and under 16 at the time of the alleged assaults, with three related to a woman in her late 20s.
Cross-examined by Peter Wright QC for the prosecution, Mr Burke said claims that he made a complainant subject to his demands with the use and threat of violence were ‘part of the conspiracy’.
He added:  'These allegations are wholly made up against me'.
Mr Wright said:  'There’s no suggestion of any conspiracy.'
Mr Burke responded:  'Not in this courtroom, but if you look further into it that’s what this is.'
'The truth is that you committed these offences', Mr Wright said.  'The truth is I haven't committed any of these offences,' Mr Burke answered.
Mr Burke denies 15 charges of rape, one of attempted rape and one of indecent assault dating back to the early 1990s.
* Proceeding

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