Wednesday 31 December 2014

Pussy Riot Call!

Supporting images for Pussy Riot music video

Pussy Riot call for protest over Alexei Navalny sentencing

Russian feminist punk band release video calling on people to protest outside Kremlin.
AFTER the Russian opposition leader, Aleksei A. Navalny, was released yesterday after being briefly detained by police in Moscow yesterday, the feminist band Pussy Riot has appealed for protests against Putin.  Mr Navalny was let go but his brother Oleg has been ordeered to serve a prison term.  The imprisonment of Oleg Navalny, who is now viewed as a hostage in the larger battle, showed that the Kremlin is getting more shrewed in its efforts to restrain Aleksei Navalny's political activities.
After the sentence, Mr Navalny tried to provoke the authorities by walking from Pushkin Square, down Tverskaya Street towards the Kremlin.  Minutes later he was arrested and pushed into a bus parked nearby.
Aleksei's brother Oleg, a former postal worker, is not politically active and is virtually unknown to the public before yesterday's trial. 

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