Thursday, 29 June 2017
Report warns of 'Wages Theft' in Tory Britain!
During the eleven years that Margaret Thatcher served as the British Prime Minister of a Conservative government (1979-1990), many people bought into the idea that trade unions were an irrelevance and an anachronism in a modern society. Thatcher told voters that if they bought their council house and a few shares in ‘British Gas’, they could become middle-class and a capitalist overnight. She called it “popular capitalism.”
Since Thatcher’s ‘conservative revolution’, we have seen trade union membership fall from 13m in the late 1970s to around 6m today. Part-time and temporary work, self-employment (up by a quarter), and zero hours contracts, have flourished, and today account for 43% of the UK workforce. Pay in these areas also lags behind the pay of those in full-time occupations. Changes in employment law have also made it more difficult for workers to take industrial action and have eroded the bargaining power of labour. Despite the fact that the unemployment rate is said to be at its lowest since 1975, real incomes are falling and inequality is growing.
Although the Bank of England estimates that the wage premium associated with trade union membership, adds between 10 to 15% to pay, most people in Britain today, are likely to be paid by the task or the hour and will not be members of a trade union.
The decline of trade unions in the UK over the last 30 years has coincided with a giant leap in inequality. A recent United Nations report revealed that the UK has some of the highest levels of hunger and deprivation among the world’s richest nations. UNICEF have stated that one in three children in this country, suffer ‘multi-dimensional poverty’ in housing, social activities, and food. It shouldn’t require a doctorate in economics, to realise that if workers don’t or can’t exercise their industrial clout to squeeze employers, then there is little incentive for employers to improve pay and conditions. It is generally recognised even by the IMF that union members tend to be better paid and that collective bargaining yields better results for workers.
A recent report ‘Unpaid Britain’, published by Middlesex University Business School, spells out our prevalent ‘wages theft’ has become within many sectors of the British economy, which tend to be non-unionised. The research based on data from ‘employment tribunals’, the ‘insolvency service’, the ‘Labour Force Survey’, ‘ACAS’ and the ‘CAB’, was used to estimate the scale of deliberately unpaid work in Britain today. The report found that UK workers were cheated out of at least £1.5bn a year in holiday pay, (there is no penalty on an employer for failing to pay) in spite of being entitled to 28 days holiday a year under the ‘European Working Time Directive’ (which they’re often unaware of) for full-time workers, or the equivalent of 12.o7% of average pay, for those who work variable hours. One-in-12 doesn’t get a pay slip as required by law and £1.2bn in wages is unpaid annually.
The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), say they have experienced a doubling of cases of wages theft between 2014 and 2017, with about 9,000 workers asking for help to recover unpaid wages and 75,000, having problems with pay and entitlements in the last year. The report says that many employers simply pockets workers wages because they can do so with impunity, due to a lack of enforcement by the authorities, or because workers who undertake variable hours, often do not get a pay slip or find it difficult, to keep track of the hours worked to prove what they are owed. Researchers found that other employers known as ‘phoenix businesses’, are going into administration owing debts and then reappearing shortly after, using a different name.
The report says that the cost incurred by workers to go to an Employment Tribunal, often prevents workers from seeking to recover unpaid wages. Since Employment Tribunal fees were introduced by Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat minister in the Cameron coalition government in 2013, individual workers taking employers to a tribunal has fallen by 67%. Clearly, having rights and being able to exercise them are two completely different things in Britain.
The neo-liberal capitalist model of business, as espoused by Thatcher and Regan in the late 1970s, sought to smash the trade unions and the collective bargaining power of labour, so as to turn British workers into doormats for billionaires, and to introduce ‘flexible working’ like zero hour contracts and the ‘gig’ economy. Likewise, Thatcher’s anti-union laws were also used to place legal hurdles in the way of workers in order to make it more difficult for them to take industrial action, in order to get better pay and conditions from their employers.
In his book ‘POSTCAPITALISM’, the author and journalist, Paul Mason, says that many people fail to grasp the true meaning behind ‘austerity’, believing it to be seven years of spending cuts or what occurred in Greece. He asserts that the real austerity project is about driving down wages and living standards in the west for decades, until they meet those of the middle-classes in China and India on the way up. To make his point, Mason, refers to a speech given by Tidjan Thiam, the CEO of Prudential, at the Davos Forum in 2012, who said that unions were the “enemy of young people” and that the minimum wage, was “a machine to destroy jobs”, along with workers’ rights and decent wages, which stood in the way of capitalism’s revival and had to go.
The recent General Election which resulted in a hung parliament and a Conservative minority government showed that many British voters are getting sick of Tory one-sided austerity and they desire a change. Rather than spend another five years in the dungeons, they want to see investment in Britain’s infrastructure, services, education, housing and decent jobs. Labour’s left-wing socialist manifesto was popular and offered many voters hope and the prospects of something better for themselves and their children. According to pollsters, nearly 13 million people voted Labour including 52% of middle-class professionals under 35 and 70% of younger people in the “DE” social category, classed as “most working class.” This is encouraging, but it seems highly unlikely, that Jeremy Corbyn, will be in Downing Street by Christmas even after securing 40 percent of the popular vote. This week, Labour lost an amendment which called on MPs to lift the cap on public sector pay of 1% which has been in place since 2010. While austerity is imposed on public sectors workers, to cap their pay, it isn’t when it comes to the pay of MPs. Two years ago (2015), MPs were given a 10% rise followed by a 1.4% deal in 2016. When you hear the phrase ‘national interest’, always ask whose interest we are talking about.
Monday, 19 June 2017
When is a product banned?
Tim Clark, acting news editor, Construction News (Monday 19 June):
When is a product banned and when is it not banned?
Responding to a question on The Andrew Marr Show yesterday, chancellor
Philip Hammond said it was “his understanding” that the cladding used on
the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower was “banned” in the UK.
Hammond’s assertion was clarified by a Treasury official who said the
chancellor was commenting on buildings “above a certain height”.Mr Hammond’s comments have been rejected by the boss of CEP Architectural Facades, which fabricated the rainscreen panels and windows for Harley Facades, the subcontractor appointed to install the cladding on the tower block. CEP Architectural Facades’ MD John Cowley said that the product in question, Reynobond PE, is actually not banned in the UK. So which is it, and why is the chancellor becoming involved in a story which is a long way from his brief at the Treasury? Industry expert and chief executive of Cast Consulting Mark Farmer told CN that he was “astonished” by Mr Hammond’s remarks. Mr Farmer said: “How can a senior member of government misrepresent the position like this at such a sensitive time? The inquiry will shine a public spotlight on the construction industry as perhaps never before. “It is bound to identify many of the systemic failings that we suffer from in the industry but there are some simple regulatory facts that should be identified quickly – ie whether the cladding was indeed banned in the UK or not under Building Regulations when used as part of a refurbishment.” As far as Construction News understands the chancellor may be correct – if the terms of his comments are applied to the narrow view of how the particular materials were used on Grenfell Tower itself. The chancellor’s views can be backed up by technical requirements for tall buildings which are found in the depths of Part B of the building regulations code. To explain we need to take a short history lesson. In the aftermath of the great fire of London in 1666, the capital drew up some of the most stringent fire regulations anywhere in the world. However, after being in force for around three centuries, the London Building Regulations were superseded in the mid-1980s when national building regulations came into force. According to former chief fire officer Ronnie King, the cladding used at Grenfell “may” not have been allowed if the previous London building regs were still in force today. Mr King, who now acts as group secretariat for the Parliament’s all-party parliamentary fire safety and rescue group said that, the current rules – which were probed in depth during the coroner’s report into the Lakanal incident in 2009 – were however “ambiguous”. Par 12.7 of part B2 of the building regs says that “in a building with a story 18m or more above ground level any insulation product, filler material (not including gaskets, sealants and similar) etc. used in the external wall construction construction should be of limited combustibility”. Mr King says that, if the core of a building has a combustible material contained within it, then the cladding of the building has to be non-flammable for buildings above 18 m. Mr King says: “The proviso that Hammond went to, is that one table in the Approved Documents relating to dwellings said that when the core is combustible – the cladding would not have been compliant if the building was above 18 m. “It would seem that those officials who confirmed that were right. “However it is complicated as the coroner from Lakanal said was that the building regs themselves were too confusing, the lawyers can’t interpret them. “After Lakanal, we had all these QCs at the inquest and they were all confused over what was applicable and what wasn’t.” A key issue here however is to establish whether the core of the tower at Grenfell did have a combustible material, and whether this meant that using the type of cladding would be banned. However these issues are usually established through forensic investigation, either by an inquiry or through a London Fire Brigade report into the causes of the fire. Having these facts established from a senior minister on national TV on a Sunday morning within days of the national tragedy has understandably raised eyebrows. |
Construction News,
Grenfell Tower,
Phip Hammond
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Grenfell Fire Sheds Light on Unfair Society
& the British Building Trade
LAST month, the National Rank & File construction workers held a conference in Manchester at which a booklet. which formed part of the theme of the conference, was promoted entitled 'BUILDING WORKERS INTO BEGGARS'.
This week the Grenfell fire illuminated some of the most telling problems of modern society not just in Britain but throughout the world.
This week the Grenfell fire illuminated some of the most telling problems of modern society not just in Britain but throughout the world.
Yesterday, the Financial Times ran an editorial, which one former communist told me was better than anything in the Morning Star; the FT leader writer wrote:
'The tower's blackened silhouette looming above London's most affluent enclaves, is rapidly becoming a symbol of the divisions in British society. The tragedy is fuelling resentment over inequality over the inequality and impact of austerity on the poorest. It represents a serious political threat to a prime minister struggling to assert her authority.... Yet the disaster is also causing disquiet across the world in cities where high rise housing is an essential part of contemporary urban living.'
Pre-fabricated construction & low pay
Meanwhile, in their book at the building worker's Manchester Rank & File conference Dr. Brian Parker and Peter Shaw, a Technical Member of the Institute of Technology wrote in their introduction to their booklet 'BUILDING WORKERS INTO BEGGARS' :
'The UK construction industry has a long-established, and rarely broken history of low basic wages, employment casualisation, bonus and incentive pay reliance, low trade union density as well as persistently high serious injury and fatality rates.'
The Parkin and Shaw report continues:
''.... over the last four decades {construction) has been in many ways transformed by increased mechanisation, modular and pre-fabricated systems of construction methods and pre-site assembly of many electrical and mechanical services systems.... Over the same period the employers have consistently attempted to further deregulate the construction industry's labour market by an outright assault on skilled (mainly) electrician's pay grades...'
This brief report explains how it arose from discussions at the National Construction Rank & File executive 'concerning the plight of younger construction workers, who due to [the] low entry level ...of in-course training pay, find themselves excluded from an already out of control housing market.'
What this report is outlining is that the lads (and it is mainly lads) that build the houses in this country can't afford to live in them, and that on the technical aspect the book is highlighting that today 'pre-fabricated systems of construction.. and pre-site assembly (methods)' are being used.
The Devil of Deregulation
The National Rank & File construction worker's booklet report is naturally concerned about the 'deregulation' of skills, pay and conditions. The Financial Times editor is worried about the deregulation applied generally to the building industry.
The FT warns the government that this (Grenfell Tower's Fire) 'should serve as a warning to anyone in government who still believes in deregulation measured on an absurd "one in three out" numerical basis, as an ideological goal.'
Yesterday's FT editorial concludes:
'The fire that swept through King's Cross underground station in 1987 prompted tougher regulation, a huge progamme of works to make the tube network safer and a fundamental rethink of approaches to fire safety. The towering inferno in North Kensington was a tragedy that could almost certainly have been prevented and demands a similar response.'
At the time on the Lisbon earthquake on November 1, 1755, the greater part of the city of Lisbon, Portugal,
was destroyed, sixty
thousand were said to have lost their lives, and the property damage,
although it cannot be estimated accurately, was of course enormous. But the Lisbon earthquake was what some call an 'Act of God', the Grenfell fire is not. Because of the sociological circumstances of the time the Lisbon earthquake caused tremendous theological disputes over the nature of God and the responsibility of the Pope, not least between the French philosophers Rousseau and Voltaire.
A leading letter in the FT yesterday from Prof. Christopher Hall writing about the Grenfell fire said: 'The fact of this fire is a regulatory failure of government. It is particularly damning that this failure occurred in public housing, where government must be the guarantor of safety for tenants who may have little choice where they live.'
Pro. Hall then claims that with regard to the 'lethal danger of combustible materials and unimpeded cavities on the exterior of buildings' that '[i]t is elementary to avoid such features, but it requires alert and expert regulators to keep abreast of changes in construction methods and materials.'
Alternatively, we could always adopt Jean-Jacques Rousseau's recommendation provided following the Lisbon earthquake:
'(That) if men had
abandoned city life and returned to nature rather than congregating in
Lisbon, the result would have been different. "Admit," wrote Rousseau,
"that it was not nature's way to crowd together 20,000 houses with 6 or 7
stories each, and if all the inhabitants of this large city had been
dispersed more equally, the damage would have been much less, maybe
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Data points to fall in UK adult life expectancy under the Tories!
Listening to Theresa May and her Tory cohorts, is like living on 'fantasy island'. One would never believe that real incomes for many in the UK are falling, inequality is rising, and the economy is barely rising despite more than eight years of unprecedented stimulus from the Bank of England. There has been a lost decade of living standards and dismal productivity growth. Real wages have grown more slowly since 2007 than in any decade since the 19th century and British households are piling up debt. Although the official unemployment rate is at its lowest since 1975, job growth has been in low-paid insecure employment - zero hour contracts, part-time and self-employment, which has increased by 23%. This explains, in part, why there is weakness in earnings despite the percentage of people in work being close to 75%.
Although we are told by the UK Tory prime minister that we are all living longer and are better off, recent data suggests that there has been an alarming rise in mortality among the white working-class in the U.S., the UK, and in other parts of Europe. Data released in the UK, shows that life expectancy for UK adults has declined for the second consecutive year in 2016. A Financial Times report says that - "The vast improvements in life expectancy witnessed in the first decade of this century have stalled." The paper says that it is difficult to say whether this data represents a trend or what is causing it.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Grenfell Tower - THEY WERE WARNED
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
And while residents, many still in shock, are comforted by their fellow locals, charities and places of worship representing many faiths, the speed at which today’s news media operates means that the questions have begun to be asked. Why did the fire spread so rapidly in a building that had been recently refurbished? And if, as has been suggested, the Grenfell Tower was compartmentalised, why was staying put not a good thing?
That refurbishment is already coming under scrutiny, and for good reason. The external cladding applied to the building we know all too well: it was specified as “Rayondbond”, but this is a mis-spelling. The cladding is called Raynobond (the use of the term “Raynolux”, another trade mark of the same company, gives the game away).*
awoke this morning to find that the Grenfell Tower, a 24-story block
located near the Westway and Latimer Road Underground, had suffered a major fire
during the night. As many as 40 fire appliances and 200 firefighters
attended the blaze, which broke out just before 0100 hours. At least six
people are known to have died, with the grim knowledge that “the death toll is likely to rise”.
Grenfell Tower - still ablaze this morning
And while residents, many still in shock, are comforted by their fellow locals, charities and places of worship representing many faiths, the speed at which today’s news media operates means that the questions have begun to be asked. Why did the fire spread so rapidly in a building that had been recently refurbished? And if, as has been suggested, the Grenfell Tower was compartmentalised, why was staying put not a good thing?
That refurbishment is already coming under scrutiny, and for good reason. The external cladding applied to the building we know all too well: it was specified as “Rayondbond”, but this is a mis-spelling. The cladding is called Raynobond (the use of the term “Raynolux”, another trade mark of the same company, gives the game away).*
For more go to:
* The nature of Reynobond aluminium composite panels according to their own blub. It seems that the aluminium sheets are the thickness of aluminium foil and that it melts when exposed to heat as would be experienced in a fire:
Discover the many features of Reynobond aluminium composite panels. Reynobond aluminium composite panels is a aluminium panel consisting of two coil-coated aluminium sheets that are fusion bonded to both sides of a polyethylene core.
Almost unlimited diversity of surfaces:
Reynobond aluminium composite panels offer many advantages:
Reynobond aluminium composite panels are perfectly adapted to inside as well as outside applications thanks to their excellent weather protection. The fields of applications for aluminium composite panels are Architecture, Corporate ID, Sign & Display, Industry and Transport.
Other benefits can be achieved by combining Reynobond aluminium composite panels with our prepainted aluminium Reynolux. This unique one-stop product range allows our partners to acquire aluminium composite panels and coil-coated aluminium in identical colour, yet with similar quality. Combinations of both products, such as in facades or roofs, make for a simple, attractive—and high quality solution.
* The nature of Reynobond aluminium composite panels according to their own blub. It seems that the aluminium sheets are the thickness of aluminium foil and that it melts when exposed to heat as would be experienced in a fire:

Discover the many features of Reynobond aluminium composite panels. Reynobond aluminium composite panels is a aluminium panel consisting of two coil-coated aluminium sheets that are fusion bonded to both sides of a polyethylene core.
Almost unlimited diversity of surfaces:
Reynobond aluminium composite panels offer many advantages:
- Extensive selection of colours and gloss levels, non-standard design surfaces and special coatings.
- A broad palette of dimensions:Reynobond aluminium composite panels can be delivered in five standard widths up to 2,000 mm. Other dimensions can be supplied, on request.
- Comprehensive service:Short delivery times, even for small quantities and advice, before and during your project.
- Convincing product benefits:Lightweight, high bending stiffness and flatness, little expansion, highly resistant to corrosion, weathering and warping, can be used in a variety of ways and is easy to install.
Reynobond aluminium composite panels are perfectly adapted to inside as well as outside applications thanks to their excellent weather protection. The fields of applications for aluminium composite panels are Architecture, Corporate ID, Sign & Display, Industry and Transport.
Other benefits can be achieved by combining Reynobond aluminium composite panels with our prepainted aluminium Reynolux. This unique one-stop product range allows our partners to acquire aluminium composite panels and coil-coated aluminium in identical colour, yet with similar quality. Combinations of both products, such as in facades or roofs, make for a simple, attractive—and high quality solution.
Comment on Austerity!
Clive Jones
situation in which there is not much money and it is spent only on
things that are necessary.
is not sustainable and leads to a Catch22 situation if a sustained
practice of austerity is attempted.
if sustained cuts in policing are attempted, the control of crime is
compromised and crime rises, societies' costs rise, quality of life
falls and public apathy and intolerence rise. Resulting in changed
political views which affect voting results locally and nationally.
In a nutshell society is poorer which is resented.
dilemma cascades across all public services, NHS, local government,
all public and private services.
then tends to become more remote by slowing democratic processes by
using political instruments and parliamentary acts, to move partial
or complete responsibility and introduce more cost or delay public
much energy and economic growth is wasted in this process it damages
the economic outlook and public enthusiasm for the real need which is
economic growth and social progress.
is of course caused by people in authority not being team
at all or having anything but self-worth
as their prime consideration or target. Also having too much reliance
on spin doctors to provide scripts for things not necessarily
understood but make the right noises or sound bites.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Roots of Theresa May's Flawed Character
by Brian Bamford
THERESA May has been recently attacked for being 'weak and wobbly' despite her claim to be a 'safe and stable' pair of hands. The most recent signs of her weakness being this weekend's departure of her closest advisers Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill.after criticisms from senor MPs.Another sign of her enfeebled state according to today's Financial Times is 'her weakness, [by her leaving] her most senior ministers in their jobs rather than risk making new enemies, amid speculation she might face a leadership challenge later this year.'
Philip Hammond, the chancellor, in whom she was clearly unhappy with over the forced reversal of his 'white van tax' after the budget, Boris Johnson, the current foreign secretary, Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, and David Davis, the Brexit secretary, are all still in place.
This flaw in her character can be traced back to when she was Home Secretary in July 2014, when following publication of the now disgraced Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk's book 'Smile for the Camera' in April 2014. On Monday the 28th, April 2014, the then leader of Rochdale Council, Colin Lambert extended its enquiry into child sex abuse. Following this Theresa May was stampeded into setting up what was to become an overarching enquiry for which she appointed Baroness Butler-Sloss as its first chair in July 2014, more were to follow, and by December 2014 it was reported that Theresa May was reconsidering arrangements for the enquiry.
Most of us who trouble ourselves about this matter have by now lost count of the seemingly endless chops and changes with what became of this overarching enquiry into child sex abuse.
The first two chairs appointed to the original panel enquiry were Baroness Butler-Sloss (appointed 8 July 2014, stepped down 14 July 2014) and Fiona Woolf (appointed 5 September 2014, stepped down 31 October 2014). The reasons for their withdrawal in each case were objections related to their perceived closeness to individuals and establishments which would be investigated. There were also objections to the shape of the enquiry itself, concerning testimony, the scope of enquiry, and lack of ability to compel witnesses to testify. In December 2014 it was reported that Theresa May was reconsidering arrangements for the enquiry.
As long ago as Monday 7 July 2014, The Independent reported:
'An expert panel will also have the power to scrutinise the behaviour of political parties, the security services and private companies amid allegations that paedophile networks operated with impunity in the 1970s and 1980s.'
At the time The Independent reported:
'A "Hillsborough-style" investigation into historic child sex abuse claims will take place.
Home Secretary Theresa May said the wide-ranging review would look into how authorities dealt with allegations paedophiles abused children. She said the independent inquiry, which is likely to take years, could become a full public inquiry if needed.'
The same newspaper bravely reported:
'The panel will report on its interim findings ahead of the general election next May in a move to reassure critics that its findings are not being kicked into the long grass.'
This whole inquiry, which was devised by Theresa May when she was Home Secretary, now looks like the House that Jack Built, All of this was triggered by a book 'Smile for the Camera' which some now regard as less decent than ordinary bullshit, written by a man who is now generally recognised as the squalid former Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk,
Monday, 12 June 2017
Corbyn and a Pyrrhic Victory
Les May
déjà vu
all over again. No
sooner has Theresa May reached for the phone book and started to look
up the number of the nearest removal company, than the media
are telling us just
last Thursday upset all their previous predictions. Apparently
it was the ‘youth
overturned the apple cart even
though they had been telling us for two weeks previously that it was
we oldies who were becoming disenchanted with the Tory manifesto’s
plans for social care. Or
perhaps it
was we oldies after all and whoever coined the term ‘dementia
deserves a medal.
the same mistake that they
made after
last year’s Referendum: constructing
a narrative
suits their prejudices. Having
narrative they then came to believe it themselves
it would seem, convinced Theresa May to believe it was true.
the Referendum
it suited the media pundits to construct a narrative that it was all
Corbyn’s fault that the Remain
campaign had lost. The
story was that Corbyn had campaigned half-heartedly and that Labour
voters had turned their back on the party and voted in their droves
for Brexit.
suited both the pro-Brexit, anti-Labour Tory press and the plotters
within the Labour party who used it as an excuse for getting rid of
as I pointed out on
the Northern Voices blog in July
last year this narrative did have the slight disadvantage that it
wasn’t actually true. This is what I wrote with
reference to Angela Eagle’s leadership bid:
to an analysis of media coverage by Loughborough University for the
period 6 May to 22 June, Corbyn scored 123 media appearances. Eagle
scored 15, one less than Angela Merkel who is Chancellor of Germany!
Alan Johnson who was supposed to be running the Labour party's
Referendum campaign scored slightly better with 19.’
‘… 60%
of Labour voters supported 'Remain'
and 60% of Conservative voters supported 'Leave.
Dumping the blame for Brexit on a few northern towns where Labour had
performed well in past elections and ignoring the vast swathes of the
country which were solidly Conservative in the election and solidly
for 'Leave'
in the referendum, won't wash. Check it out on the appropriate maps
if you doubt it.’
journalists who promoted this narrative live in a different world to
the rest of us. Like media pundits and political nerds, they read the
party manifestos, we don’t. So they ‘simplify’ things for us
by producing catchy phrases: ‘Comrade Corbyn’, ‘Dementia
Tax’ and ‘Millionaire Pensioners’ are just three.
Even the elusive floating voters, vote on impressions. Means testing
my winter fuel allowance and my bus pass are what I expect
Tories to do. I didn’t read either manifesto. I vote Labour
because I know that in general it will favour the less well off and I
know the Tories will favour the wealthy. And increasingly the very
wealthy. Or at least that’s the impression they give.
as I suggest people do vote on impressions rather than a deep
knowledge of policies, Labour would do well not to feel too self
congratulatory. Yes, Labour has shown that putting ‘clear blue
water’ between it and the Tories is not a recipe for electoral
it is equally true that the Tories did what I suggested could
happen in my August 2015 NV article ‘Why Burnham, Cooper and
Kendall Deserve to Lose’. They
‘fell over their own feet’.
I had seen this happen on two previous occasions; in 1964 when Harold
Wilson was the beneficiary and
in 1997 when Tony Blair was the beneficiary. Macmillan,
Major and now May looked
shambolic and generated the
wrong sort of headlines for
just long enough for it to sink into people’s consciousness.
Blair’s 1997 and later victories were not entirely due to him
having ‘made
the Labour party electable’
as he and
his acolytes would
like us to believe was
noted in
2015 by
Kenan Malik a contributing editor of the New York Times who wrote
election victories were as much the product of the exhaustion of the
Conservative Party after 18 years in power as they were of his
political acumen’. Essentially
his diagnosis
Labour's 1997 victory was as much to do with the internal squabbles
of the Tories as with Blair making the party 'electable'.
critique was
that the
Blair years failed to provide a long term solution to Labour's need
find a new constituency and a new role'.
to Malik’s article in I
wrote in September 2015:
Malik attributes Blair's strategy of 'triangulation',
or stealing policies from one's opponents, as being borrowed from
Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign it has a much longer and more
informative history. The 'post war' consensus which he identifies
with Keynesian policies and the use of the state as a lever for
social change was based upon 'triangulation' between a 'One Nation'
Tory party and Labour. In fact the consensus was also built around a
mixed economy, full employment, strong but not overweening trades
unions, the welfare state, decolonisation and the Atlantic alliance.
Speaking recently on the Parliament Channel
Kenneth Clark described the final two years of the Heath government
of the early 1970s as 'like a poor man's social
So strongly was this the case that The Economist invented a fictitious figure 'Mr Butskell' when a moderate Tory, R. A. Butler (Rab), succeeded Labour's Hugh Gaitskell as chancellor in 1951. Today the equivalent figure would be 'Mr Camonblair', who may well turn out to be a hermaphrodite.
Butskell and Camonblair are where the two main parties have reached a kind of equilibrium. But those equilibria are poles apart and whether Mr Butskell and Mr Camonblair would be on speaking terms I rather doubt, with Butskell far to the left in present day terms and Camonblair far to the right from a post war perspective. The emergence of Mr Camonblair may be what Malik means when he argues that the division between social democracy and conservatism has gone. If indeed this were the case then the Labour party has indeed outlived its usefulness.
An alternative view is that these two fictitious figures simply illustrate the futility of arguing about where the centre ground in politics lies. The effect of the Thatcher years was to shift 'the centre' far to the right around a new equilibrium. But it was the unravelling of the post war consensus which allowed Thatcherism to emerge. If, as argued earlier, part of that consensus was 'strong but not overweening trades unions', then union militancy in the late 1970s was as much a factor as changes within the Tory party.
So strongly was this the case that The Economist invented a fictitious figure 'Mr Butskell' when a moderate Tory, R. A. Butler (Rab), succeeded Labour's Hugh Gaitskell as chancellor in 1951. Today the equivalent figure would be 'Mr Camonblair', who may well turn out to be a hermaphrodite.
Butskell and Camonblair are where the two main parties have reached a kind of equilibrium. But those equilibria are poles apart and whether Mr Butskell and Mr Camonblair would be on speaking terms I rather doubt, with Butskell far to the left in present day terms and Camonblair far to the right from a post war perspective. The emergence of Mr Camonblair may be what Malik means when he argues that the division between social democracy and conservatism has gone. If indeed this were the case then the Labour party has indeed outlived its usefulness.
An alternative view is that these two fictitious figures simply illustrate the futility of arguing about where the centre ground in politics lies. The effect of the Thatcher years was to shift 'the centre' far to the right around a new equilibrium. But it was the unravelling of the post war consensus which allowed Thatcherism to emerge. If, as argued earlier, part of that consensus was 'strong but not overweening trades unions', then union militancy in the late 1970s was as much a factor as changes within the Tory party.
Blair came to power in 1997 Labour still called itself a ‘left
of centre party’. By 2015 his comment on Ed Milliband’s
failure to win the election is that his policies were ‘too left
is only from a perspective in which the ‘centre ground of
politics’ has been shifted grotesquely to the right during the
Blair years that Corbyn’s policies are judged as ‘extreme’
by political journalists, media pundits and the ‘Bitterite’
(John Prescott’s delightful term) faction of the Labour party.
as the Labour MPs like Roy Hattersley who entered Parliament in the
1960s and John Prescott in 1970, absorbed the milieu of the
‘post war consensus’ and now look like ‘Old Labour’,
the Labour MPs who entered Parliament in the Blair years came to
believe that his ‘third way’ was the only way to win over
the electorate. In spite of the evidence no doubt some still do.
Corbyn has done in the past few weeks is to show that
the division between social democracy and conservatism
isn’t yet dead. It appears that a
significant fraction of the electorate is willing to vote
for a party which promises
implement the
sort of policies which the actor Roger Allam described as ‘our
brief social democratic blip’. Perhaps
Labour has found
constituency and new role'
Malik thought it did not have.
let’s not fall into the trap of inventing our own narrative.
Corbyn did wondrously well and has shown his policies can win votes,
but a Labour led government means doing even better next time. And
that may not be too far off.
Tory Spending on Black Propaganda
sent to NV by Trevor Hoyle
THE Conservatives spent more than £1m on negative Facebook campaign adverts attacking Jeremy Corbyn, reports suggest.A series of videos and graphics showing the Labour leader’s past comments on debt, anti-terror laws and the IRA were promoted by the official Tory account.
Conservative Party,
Jeremy Corbyn,
labour party,
Trevor Hoyle
Sometimes Our Nightmares Don’t Come True the Tories Lose Their Majority
sent to NV by Trevor Hoyle
WHEN Theresa May called a snap election a few weeks ago, she enjoyed a
20-point lead in the opinion polls. Translated into votes, this lead
would create a huge Tory margin of victory of around 100 seats in
parliament. The Tory working majority after winning the 2015 election
was 12 seats.
Read more at link ---
labour party,
The Guardian,
Theresa May,
tony blair,
Tory party,
Trevor Hoyle
Thugs get life sentences for attack on disabled pensioner!
Stephen Mortin (centre) and Nathan Lee Clark (far right)
Two thugs who brutally assaulted a 63-year-old disabled pensioner from Ashton-under-Lyne, have been sent to prison for conspiracy to rob and GBH with intent. Nathan Lee Clark, 24, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to 19 years imprisonment and Stephen Mortin, 23, of Rutland Street, was given a sentence of 18 years imprisonment.
Ashton pensioner, Barbara Dransfied, aged 63, was left with horrific injuries after being attacked by Mortin and Clark in her home in July last year, when she was beaten with a baseball bat while she sat helplessly in her wheelchair. Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court, heard that the pair forced their way into Barbara's home on Neal Avenue, armed with a knife and baseball bat and demanded money. Every bone in Barbara's face was broken and her jaw was broken in eight places. She spent two-weeks in a coma.
Detective Chief Inspector Richard Ennis, of Greater Manchester Police, said:
"This was a sickening attack on a vulnerable woman that left her with some horrific injuries. Not only did Clark and Mortin inflict terrible physical suffering but they left this woman feeling unsafe in her own home. She displayed immense bravery throughout the trial and also to overcome this cowardly attack."
Ashton pensioner, Barbara Dransfied, aged 63, was left with horrific injuries after being attacked by Mortin and Clark in her home in July last year, when she was beaten with a baseball bat while she sat helplessly in her wheelchair. Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court, heard that the pair forced their way into Barbara's home on Neal Avenue, armed with a knife and baseball bat and demanded money. Every bone in Barbara's face was broken and her jaw was broken in eight places. She spent two-weeks in a coma.
Detective Chief Inspector Richard Ennis, of Greater Manchester Police, said:
"This was a sickening attack on a vulnerable woman that left her with some horrific injuries. Not only did Clark and Mortin inflict terrible physical suffering but they left this woman feeling unsafe in her own home. She displayed immense bravery throughout the trial and also to overcome this cowardly attack."
Home Secretary says she doesn't know how many Brits have returned to UK after fighting with ISIS!
Manchester Bomber - Salman Abedi
many British people will find bewildering,
is how a 22-year-old Manchester man of Libyan origin, who
grew up in the Whalley Range area, could
have carried out such a cowardly
attack. After fleeing Libya,
Abadi’s family, had been given political asylum in the UK. They
were given housing, state benefits and their children were educated.
Salman Abedi,
had been a former student of Salford University.
as the “worse terror
attack to hit northern
England”, many
of his victims who
were injured in the bombing, were
innocent young girls
who had gone to the M.E.N. arena in
Manchester to watch
the American pop idol, Ariana Grande. Of the 22 people killed, his
youngest victim, Saffie Roussos, was only eight-years-old. Another
120 people were injured,
some, suffering
life-threatening injuries.
have described Salman Abedi,
young man quick to anger, who was involved in drink and drugs and
supported Manchester United. A young man who found it difficult to
fit in and cut a contradictory figure, who reacted violently to
western sexual norms – once punching a woman for wearing a short
skirt – and got into random fights.”
Investigators believe that Abedi, may
have had help in making the explosive device, storing the materials,
and buying the chemicals. People who knew Abedi, have claimed that
they do not believe that he had the ‘acumen’
to “formulate the terrible plan he enacted on Monday,”
(22nd May 2017).
Yet, it is known, that teachers and
religious figures in Manchester, who knew Salman Abedi, had raised
concerns about his extremist views with the authorities on multiple
occasions over several years using the ‘Terror Hotline’
and the ‘PREVENT’ strategy, introduced by the
government. US intelligence sources also told NBC News, “that
some members of his family had alerted officials and told them he was
‘dangerous’. It is also known that five years ago,
students at Salford University, had called the terrorism hotline
after claiming that Abedi had allegedly said “being
a suicide bomber was OK’.
Before his arrest, Ramadan Abedi (a.k.a.
Abu Ismail), the father of Abedi, who has been in Libya since 2011,
protested his son’s innocence. He told the press: “We
don’t believe in killing innocents. This is not us.” However,
another son, Hashem Abadi, who was arrested in Tripoli while waiting
to receive a transfer of cash from is brother Salman, is reported to
have told Libyan anti-terror forces that he “Was
aware of all the details of the terrorist attack,” and that
he and Salman, were members of ‘Daesh’ (ISIS). Following
the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility for the Manchester bombing.
Ramadan Abedi, fought with the ‘Libyan
Islamic Fighting Group’ (LIFG) in Libya. The group was
opposed to Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and sought to replace him
with an Islamic state. It also proclaimed allegiance to Osama bin
Laden. In 2004, LIFG, was classified as a terrorist organisation,
when the U.S. sought to break-up ‘al-Qa'ida's’
network of sympathisers. On 28 May 2017, it was reported in the
‘Guardian’ newspaper, that “Abedi
senior’s Facebook page shows that he supported the ‘Shura’
Council, a bitter enemy of ISIS in Libya’. The same article
also claimed that earlier this year, Ramadan Abedi, had summoned
Salman Abedi to Libya, because of concern about his son’s “erratic
behaviour” and had confiscated his passport.
Given the reports about Abedi, and the
ease with which, he shuttled back and forth between Manchester and
Tripoli over many years, it is extremely surprising that the security
services didn’t have him under closer scrutiny. He was known to the
security services, but was “not one of the 3,000 people under
active investigation’. Some reports have suggested that he
was in Libya for the uprising in 2011 and “was injured in
Ajdabiya in eastern Libya while fighting for an Islamic faction.”
French intelligence sources have also claimed that Salman
Abedi, was one of 3,500 Libyans who went to Syria to fight, an
allegation that “has been played down by British
intelligence.” Moreover, Abedi, had travelled back to
England from Libya via Turkey and Düsseldorf, just four days before
the attack.
In spite of his background, Ian Hopkins,
the chief constable of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), told BBC
Radio Manchester that the local authorities had been unaware Abedi’s
‘radicalisation’ and he was not known to the PREVENT
anti-radicalisation programme. He was only known to GMP because of a
conviction for theft, receiving stolen goods and minor assault in
Since the bombing in Manchester, people
have rightly sought explanations for why Salman Abedi, carried out
the attack at the M.E.N. Arena. His sister, Jomana, told the ‘Wall
Street Journal’ that her brother had been angered by what was
happening in Syria:
think he saw children – Muslim children – dying everywhere, and
wanted revenge. He saw explosives America drops on children in Syria
and he wanted revenge. Whether he got that is between him and God.”
If this was the motive that drove Salman
Abedi to carry out his cowardly attack, then it seems to have been
driven by a most twisted and perverted kind of ‘Jihadi’ logic.
Few of us, cannot help but feel appalled at the suffering we have
seen meted out to innocent children and Syrian civilians, by various
factions fighting in the Syrian conflict. But it isn’t just
American and English bombs that kill Muslim children! Russian bombs
and the barrel bombs of the Syrian ‘Shia’ Muslim leader, Bashar
al-Assad, also kill Muslim children. And how many of us, would feel,
that the way to avenge the deaths of Muslim children, is by
murdering other people’s children in the west?
‘Jihad's’, like Abedi, may
well feel outrage at western intervention in Muslim countries, but
turn a convenient blind eye, when ISIS bomb schools, mosques and
markets in those very same countries. This week, an Islamic State car
bomb targeted families eating ice cream, after breaking their Ramadan
fast, in the Karrada district of Baghdad, killing 17 people and
wounding 32 more. This month, a bus carrying Egyptian ‘Coptic
Christians’ was attacked leaving 29 dead and 20 more injured.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring Christians in
Egypt, “Our first target and favourite prey.” It is
a fact, that ISIS regularly target civilians, including children,
Shia shrines and Christian churches.
Many on the British left, are loathe to
condemn the atrocities carried out by ISIS and their adherents, and
to do so, runs the risk of one being accused of ‘Islamophobia’.
Like the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and the journalist John
Pilger, they feel that it’s all the fault of western foreign policy
and that if we didn’t involve ourselves in foreign wars, these
things would be less likely to happen. No doubt, groups like ISIS
have benefited from the campaigns waged by western governments to
overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria and have taken
advantage, of the chaos, brought about by the collapse of the State
of Iraq. But this, ‘it’s all the fault of the west’
attitude, has seen some on the left, defending radical Islamist
movements like ISIS, who decapitate apostates and unbelievers,
enslave women, murder homosexuals and Jews, and are prepared to wipe
out whole communities that will not submit to their
ultra-fundamentalist and twisted interpretation of Islam.
Notwithstanding, western foreign policy, it should be clear to most
people who are not deluded, that groups like ISIS are ‘anti-western,
anti-democratic, and anti-human rights’.
Professor Gareth Stansfield, professor of
Middle East politics at Exeter University, believes that Abedi is
typical of many second generation migrants drawn to Islamist groups -
“It’s the classic thing of
being dispossessed, of having no roots. They see the perceived
immorality of the west around them and these seeds are planted and
become extremely toxic and poisonous.”
Since the bombing, thousands of people
across Greater Manchester have attended vigils to remember the
victims of this terror attack by the suicide bomber Salman Abedi. Far
from spreading fear, hatred and division, as he intended, we have
seen people of all communities and faiths in Greater Manchester
coming together to show solidarity with everyone affected by the
events in Manchester. A ‘JustGiving’ page set up to
support the victims and their families, has so far surpassed £1.5
million. The “We Love Manchester Emergency Fund” has
raised £6 million for people who have been injured or bereaved
following the bombing. And this Sunday, Ariana Grande, is to perform
a benefit concert for victims of the bombing at ‘Old Trafford
cricket ground’. The ‘One Love Manchester’ concert
includes Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Katey Perry and Miley Cyrus.
Saturday, 10 June 2017
Danczuk: Exit stage Right
Les May
the ‘Danczuk Saga’ has finally come to an end. In
just two years he has managed to convert a
majority in
2015 into
a total vote of just 883.
Clearly people vote for the party not the man because Labour’s
Tony Lloyd has
a majority of more than 14,000. What
went wrong for Danczuk?
been chronicling Danczuk antics on the Northern Voices blog since he
his book about
Cyril Smith, ‘Smile
for the Camera’,
in April 2014. But
the Danczuk story goes back much further than that. In
fact I could push it back to 1992 which is when I believe
Danczuk found out about Cyril’s spanking of young men at Cambridge
House hostel after reading the story published in a copy of the May
1979 edition of the Rochdale Alternative Paper (RAP) which is
archived in Rochdale Reference Library. It
is a reasonable assumption that he would have come across copies of
RAP whilst undertaking sociological research about the town.
the Labour magazine Tribune published the results of an investigation
into what it
called ‘allegations
of irregularities, which point to a concerted effort to oust
non-Blairites from standing’
it said ‘raise
serious questions over whether the choice of prospective MPs is being
conducted in a free and fair manner.’ And
who was one of those prospective MPs? Surprise, surprise, it was
none other than Simon Danczuk!
is what Tribune went on to say about the shenanigans: The
selection for the Rochdale constituency, due end on January 22, has
been described by one NEC member as "a debacle". Before
the selection began, a regional officer was accused of assisting
Simon Danzcuk by allowing his company Vision 21 to conduct a survey
of the attitudes of Rochdale members. The shortlisting meeting was
halted when a vote of no confidence was passed in the selection
process. Several branch nomination meetings had to be re-held after
irregularities were discovered. At the reconvened shortlisting
meeting, an all-male shortlist of eight was agreed, despite this
being contrary to party rules. All members were issued with a postal
ballot, after it was discovered that the original postal votes had
been opened prematurely.
www link which carried the Tribune article is now dead. If you wish
to check it out for yourself I will send you a copy I downloaded
earlier this year if you contact an NV editor.)
there was the strange story ‘Would-be
MP victim of death threats’
appeared in
the Lancashire Telegraph in January 2007. The would be MP was Simon
Danczuk who was of course the source for the story. Caveat
how about the story which appeared on
Rochdale Online in May 2008, ‘Danczuk
linked to developer threatening legal action against Council!’ The
link was via the company Vision 21 set up by Danczuk with Anna
McNamara and Ruth Turner, founders of the Big Issue in the North
magazine for the homeless. It is surely just coincidence that the
name Ruth Turner figures prominently in the Tribune article and
she went on to work in Blair’s office.
at this point Simon isn’t an MP. But there’s more to come before
we get to the
election in May
2010. There’s the little matter of the Spanish Holiday which went
wrong. That’s the first one in
2006 not
the second one in
2016 which
went even more wrong.
all these stories amount to is that nothing to do with the public
image of Simon Danczuk is straightforward. The
RAP story about Smith from 1979 was about the abuse of power and was
based on affidavits by the young men concerned. (I know this is true,
I have copies.) The really interesting question is why the media
ignored it back then.
Danczuk version in
the book involves
the repeatedly offending sexual predator, the
Security Services protecting him,
false story about Northamptonshire police stopping him and finding a
boot load of child porn, then letting him free after a ‘phone call
to London’, tries to implicate him in the murky happenings at Knowl
View special school because he was a Governor, and has a supposed
‘whistleblower’ who saw absolutely nothing and
story when published in 1995 made no mention of Smith.
amazes me is that so many people were taken in by this book. All you
have to do to spot the problem is to note
the absence of sources in the bibliography then ask
Danczuk how many men he interviewed who claim to have been assaulted
by Smith. I have tried on several occasions and he has never
replied. So as an editor of N.V. I
drew my own conclusions
Danczuk had set his hares running, the police were duty bound to
investigate. If
you add up the cost of all the police investigations which resulted
from Danczuk’s claims it runs into the millions of pounds. And
when the police found insufficient evidence for the CPS to prosecute,
to Danczuk it
was their fault! But
that does not excuse Leicestershire police discussing aspects of the
investigation into Greville Janner with Danczuk. Aspects which later
appeared in a national newspaper. (See Appendix).
the last day of December 2015, Danczuk has been the political
equivalent of ‘dead meat’.
proximate cause of his undoing was the so called ‘sexting’
incident involving
a 17 years old ‘financial dominatrix’.
then on it was a bad year for him.
But as I said earlier nothing is straightforward with Danczuk and
his own antics ensured that things went from bad to worse.
may not have heard the last of Simon. I don’t think that a
decision has yet been made on whether the overpayment of £11,000 in
accommodation expenses for the two of his children constituted fraud.
that Rochdale is bidding adieu to Mr D. what sort of reputation will
he leave behind? With the best will in the world I find it difficult
to see him as anything other than a man who milked his position as an
MP for
his own ends
and who even in adversity never missed an opportunity to line his own
pockets. All perfectly legally of course. But
that does not take away the smell.
August 2015
Force Headquarters
St Johns
LE19 2BX
Force Headquarters
St Johns
LE19 2BX
refer to statements made by Simon Danczuk MP in the House of Commons
on 23 June 2015 and recorded in Hansard Column 214WH. I have
extracted below the portion of his statement which I believe raises
matters of concern about the actions of your force.
know the police are furious about this, and rightly so. Anyone who
has heard the accusations would be similarly outraged. I have met
Leicestershire police and discussed the allegations in some detail:
children being violated, raped and tortured, some in the very
building in which we now sit. The official charges are: 14 indecent
assaults on a male under 16 between 1969 and 1988; two indecent
assaults between ’84 and ’88; four counts of buggery of a male
under 16 between ’72 and ’87; and two counts of buggery between
1977 and 1988. My office has spoken to a number of the alleged
victims and heard their stories.'
at its face value this suggests that Leicestershire police discussed
with a third party, who though an MP, does not represent a
constituency within the Leicestershire police area, matters of a
confidential nature relating to a police investigation. I draw
attention to the fact that Mr Danczuk specifically used the word
'discussed' suggesting that information was passed to him by the
police service rather than that he was simply questioned about
information which he might hold which was relevant to the police
investigation. The detailed information regarding the nature of the
charges in the remainder of the statement suggests that this
interpretation is correct.
if it is considered appropriate to discuss these matters with Mr
Danczuk the question arises as to why he was apparently not
instructed that these matters were confidential. Mr Danczuk's choice
of words in the first two sentences of the above extract could leave
the impression that by not instructing him that the matter was
confidential the police service was attempting to use an
extra-judicial method to bring pressure to bear upon the Director of
Public Prosecutions. I stress that I am not making such an
apparent failure to instruct Mr Danczuk that the discussions were
confidential extends to an article in the Sun newspaper of 24 June
2015 headed 'Lord Janner "Raped kids in Parliament" claims
Labour MP Simon Danczuk', and in which the matters discussed with
him by Leicestershire police were repeated. As Mr Danczuk had made
his claims under Parliamentary privilege he gave himself, and the
Sun, protection against being sued for libel.
On 24 July 2015 Mr Danczuk received a payment of £10,000 from the owners of the Sun for an article he had contributed to. He declined to say which article the cash related to.
On 24 July 2015 Mr Danczuk received a payment of £10,000 from the owners of the Sun for an article he had contributed to. He declined to say which article the cash related to.
this payment does relate to the Sun article I believe it raises
further questions about the wisdom of discussing material relating to
the Janner case with Mr Danczuk without instructing him that the
matter was confidential.
am arranging for a copy of this letter to be sent to the Home Office
because I think the concerns raised are applicable to similar
discussions between other police forces and MPs who may use
parliamentary privilege to make the discussions public.
Les May
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