Thursday 13 July 2023

Woman tells LBC of her despair with Shropshire health services.


Somebody needs to get a grip on GP services urgently. They're getting away with murder.

A young woman recently told LBC's Nick Ferrari, that she drove from her home in Shropshire to Fulham where she previously lived, to get medical treatment for her young child because healthcare services are so bad in Shropshire.

Her young child had severe tonsillitis and though she couldn't get an appointment with her GP, her practice told her not to take her child to hospital. Her next door neighbour’s, who are consultants, told her that her child needed antibiotics urgently. She rang her doctor in Fulham who offered her a GP appointment and drove for three hours to get there.

She told Nick Ferrari that healthcare is some much better in Kensington and Chelsea where her children were born.

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