Tuesday 15 October 2024

Starmer's Labour government bans Mandela's grandson from entering the UK.


Zwelivelile Mandela

Nelson Mandela's grandson, Zwelivelile Mandela, has been denied a visa to enter the UK by Starmer's Labour Government. He was due to fly to Britain to speak at a number of pro-Palestinian events during Black History Month. British officials had initially told him that his South African government passport did not require a visa to enter the UK.

Recently, Mr Mandela, joined an event organised by 'Sheffield Palestine Coalition against Israeli Apartheid' by video link.  Although he couldn't physically attend the event in person, he said: "It seems that there are those who are intent on preventing me from being physically with you (in Britain). I have been criticised for statements that I have made in support of Palestinian Resistance and its various formations." As a former South African member of parliament, Mr Mandela has spoken previously of his support for the 7 October attacks on Israel.

Despite high-level political intervention by figures within the African National Congress (ANC), the British embassy has refused to issue a visa. Britain considers both Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organisations.

During his lifetime, Nelson Mandela often expressed support for Palestine and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), which was considered a terrorist organisation by both the U.S. and Israel. Both Nelson Mandela and the former Israeli prime minister, Menachem Begin, have also been denounced as terrorists. As the head of the terrorist group Irgun, Begin targeted the British in Palestine and was banned from entering the UK.

A Home Office spokesman said: " The UK has robust safeguards to ensure visas are only issued to those who we want to welcome to our country." Despite being banned from entering the UK, Mr Mandela will be visiting Dublin in Ireland, where visa requirements to enter the country have been waived.

South Africa has accused Israel of committing acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention and brought a case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ have already declared that Israel's occupation and annexation of the Palestine territories are unlawful and its discriminatory laws and policies against Palestinians, violated the prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid.

Unlike the British Labour government which continues to supply arms to the Israeli apartheid state, the government of Ireland recognises Palestine as a sovereign and independent state. Britain's Labour Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer-oid has publicly declared, "I support Zionism without qualification."

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