Friday 10 April 2020

Covid-19: Laurens Otter leaves hospital

by Brian Bamford
YESTERDAY Laurens Otter left the Princess Royal hospital and returned home, having spent several weeks  there and in rehab owing initially to an operation on his knee and later some later complications through catching Covid-19.  He consequently spent his 90th birthday in Intensive Care.

Today I spoke to Laurens and he sounded much better than he did on Tuesday night when I was quite worried owing to his weak responses on the telephone.  I even thought he may be dehydrated at the time.  On Wednesday I rang the hospital to raise my concerns about this and received reassurances.  Laurens still doesn't know where he contracted the virus, but now he seems largely recovered from it.

His many friends will welcome this news as several have been in touch with me since the original post I wrote about his conditionthe 5th, April.


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