Thursday 3 October 2024

Free gear Keir to pay back £6,000 worth of gifts - including free Taylor Swift tickets and tickets for the races.


I always thought that Sir Keir Starmer-oid could turn on a dime. Before he was elected Prime Minister in July, this former Trotskyist was known for U-turns and broken promises and pledges.

Since he came to power, he's been like a pissed-up car driver out of control. He's even had to reassure the public that he's in control. When it was disclosed that Starmer-oid had received more than £100,000 in freebies from wealthy donors since 2019, which includes free clothing for himself and his wife, he defended his gift taking saying that it was transparency that really mattered.

Angie Rayner, the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, said in a BBC interview that all MPs were on the take as they all took freebies. Jonathan Reynolds, Labour's holy roller Anglican Business Secretary, said that freebies were not a perk of the job but an important part of the job of being a politician.

Starmer, Rayner and Reynolds, seem to have quickly forgotten that when Labour was in opposition, it slated Boris Johnson and the Tories for sleaze and cronyism. Starmer wanted to know who had paid for Boris Johnson's wallpaper in Downing Street. Labour was incensed that Lord Bamford of JCB had paid towards Boris Johnson's wedding reception.  He forgets that he repeatedly told the public that if Labour came to power, they would clean up British politics. Starmer's squalid Labour government have been in power for just three months and it's already mired in sleaze and cronyism. Starmer-oid looks like a hypocrite and the best British Prime Minister that money can buy.

It's now being reported that Starmer-oid is going to pay back £6,000 worth of gifts including Taylor Swift tickets and free tickets to the races. We're also being told that he's ending a clothing rental agreement with a high-end designer favoured by his wife, Lady Victoria Sponger.

I always thought that a Labour government led by two politically correct dipsticks like Keir Starmer-oid and Angie Rayner, would turn into a shambles. They're clueless! The opinion polls show that Starmer-oid is now less popular as a leader than the disgraced Liz Truss, who was ignominiously kicked out of Downing Street after fifty days in office. Starmer-oid and his wife recently attended Doncaster races when the Prime Minister was booed by a crowd and called a 'wanker' in the VIP enclosure. 

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