Friday 30 August 2024

Starmer's Police State.


It's monkey madness under Labour. Sheer lunacy! Why should any of us be surprised that Starmer and his government's net public approval ratings, are plummeting.

Increasingly, people are being arrested in Starmer's police state for comments they've made on social media or for even sharing a Tweet or post on Facebook. The police are that busy surfing the net looking for thought crime and thought criminals, that they've no time to investigate a burglary.

Within the last couple of weeks, two journalists, Sarah Wilkinson and Richard Medhurst, have been arrested for online comments they made in relation to the war in Gaza. They had their electronic devices confiscated. It's believed that they were arrested under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

Labour now wants something called 'misogyny' (hatred of women), to be treated as an act of terrorism. What about 'misandry'? I remember women who used to wear SCUM badges - Society to Cut Up Men. Should that be treated as an act of terrorism?

Comrade Starmer-oid now wants to impose a ban on people smoking outside pubs and other public spaces. He also seems to be in favour of increasing the use of facial recognition technology so that we can be tracked and traced and constantly spied upon. This authoritarian, former Trotskyist, just loves imposing bans. I'm expecting that he'll impose a lock-down to deal with Monkey Pox. 

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