Saturday 28 March 2020

Bargaining through the Pandemic

Bargaining through the Pandemic

Dear Brian,

We are dealing with an unprecedented economic situation due to COVID 19. Some employers are making quick and at times ill-informed decisions, whilst our members are rightly demanding representation in this ever changing environment.
Officers of course are dealing with the situation with our reps and in response to requests on Work, Voice & Pay I have produced guidance (click here) in the form of a template ‘Lockdown Agreement’. Of course it is understood that as workplaces are different, many Shop Stewards will want to adapt it as they see fit. This can be done easily as the draft is in Word. I will also be looking at producing further templates and guidance including for agency and casual workers.
If you need any further information, including the finances of your employer, please let me know. Employers should not be able to abdicate their responsibility and workers can’t again be made to pay the price.

Sharon Graham,
Executive Officer, Organising and Leverage, Unite the Union

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