Friday, 21 February 2025

Wetherspoon's have just increased their prices but now say that prices are likely to rise again in April.


Tim Martin - CEO of J.D. Wetherspoon Ltd

A pint of hand pumped cask beer in the Wetherspoon's that I use has just gone up by 15 pence. A pint of Abbot Ale has increased by 11 pence. Prices in Wetherspoon's pubs vary in different locations and prices have been increasing steadily over a number of years.

 If you increase business costs like increasing the National Minimum Wage and N.I., this has to be paid by someone and it’s s ultimately the consumer who cops for it. However, Wetherspoon's increased its prices in late January 2025 and the increase in the NMW and N.I. doesn't take effect until April.

 I'm told that Tim likes to get in early. He's also been saying that Wetherspoon's prices might have to increase again in April. It looks like Tim wants another bite of the cherry and is putting hay in the hayloft. This is likely to drive more people into the supermarkets to buy much cheaper beer.

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