Thursday, 11 July 2024

Jim Sillars calls on the SNP to 'Repent' and not 'Reflect'!


Jim Sillars

The former SNP deputy leader, Jim Sillars, has called Nicola Sturgeon 'Stalin's wee sister' and accused her of running the SNP as a "leadership cult." In a brutal open letter to party members, he called on the SNP to 'repent' and not 'reflect' upon the SNPs drubbing at the 4 July general election.

The SNP returned just nine MPs down from 48 in 2009. In the letter, Sillars accused Sturgeon and Swinney of 'staggering levels of incompetence' and of misleading the movement and having lost its common sense in government. He accused them for promoting marginal issues as national priorities while the real priorities of the people, were education, housing, NHS, and infrastructure.

There's no doubt in my mind that the issue of 'transgenderism' and identity politics in general, led to the demise of SNP and collapse in support for the party. The Scots are noted for being a canny and shrewd lot and I'm sure they weren't impressed when the 31-year-old Scottish serial rapist Isla Bryson, a transgender woman, also known as Adam Graham, was remanded to a women's prison.

As Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon had difficulty in saying whether Isla Bryson, who had raped two women, was a man or a woman. Bryson had been charged in 2019 and started transitioning in 2020. 

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