Monday, 4 September 2023

What does Scottish independence really mean?


Scotland's First Minister - Humza Yousaf

I was never a supporter of Brexit. I always thought the British public were sold a pup with Brexit and that we were economically better off remaining as members of the E.U.

The people of Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the E.U. as did many millions of people in England. But a majority of people in England and Wales, voted to leave the E.U. Nevertheless, there seems to be a paradox that lies behind Scottish nationalism which I find baffling.

How can the Scottish National Party (SNP), campaign for independence and then advocate re-joining the E.U? As a remainer, even I acknowledge, that membership of the E.U. does come at price even when you're not part of E.U.'s monetary system or the Schengen Agreement. Look at what happened to two small countries like Greece and Cyprus.

Notwithstanding that, how can any country really call itself 'independent', when 'globalization', by its very nature, means that there is greater interconnection in the world between people and regions. Globalization also increases the foreign control over a nation’s economy. As they used to say, when America sneezes, Britain catches a cold.

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