Thursday, 27 July 2023

Labour council uses scabs to break dustman's strike!


The trade union Unite, have just voted at their Rules Conference, to stay affiliated to the Labour Party. Unite members also voted in a recent ballot to retain the political levy.

The union is one of the biggest financial backers of the Labour Party. But what are the union getting for their bucks? Unite General Secretary, Sharon Graham, has told Tory-lite Sir Steer Calmer, there will be no blank cheques and that the Labour leader must deliver on "jobs, pay, and conditions."

Meanwhile, Labour-run Cumberland Council, are using the Tory government's anti-union laws to break a strike by council employed refuse workers. The Labour council are recruiting scab agency workers and paying them more money to break the strike. Other Labour councils have employed similar dirty tactics to break strikes.

Labour's shadow chancellor, Rachell Reeves, has also refused to commit to endorsing the recommendations of the pay review body on public sector pay. It seems mind boggling that any union should be paying money to a political party that kicks the workers in the teeth and endorses the use of Tory anti-union laws to break strikes.

Sharon Graham knows all about 'leverage', she ran Unites leverage campaign. Therefore, she needs to apply some leverage on Starmer and Labour. No results no money! The Tories certainly understand that. The wealthy spivs who back the Conservative Party, always get a good return on their money.

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