Wednesday, 1 March 2023

School chaplain was referred to 'Prevent' Program because of his Christian beliefs!


Reverend Bernard Randell

The Rev Bernard Randall (50), was made redundant from the school where he was employed as school Chaplain, after he told pupils in a sermon delivered in June 2019, 'You do not have to accept the ideas of LGBT activists" that was being taught on the Educate & Celebrate (E&C) programme.

In his sermon, called 'Competing Ideologies', the Reverend Randall said he believed that parts of E&C were Marxist, revolutionary and atheist. The sermon triggered complaints from parents, pupils and staff members, who said it nearly left them in tears, but Randal insisted that the programme, was incompatible with the school's Christian ethos.

As a Christian, Reverend Randall believes that marriage is a union between a man and a woman and that sex outside of marriage is a sin and "morally problematic." Trent College in Derbyshire, were so shocked by Reverend Russell's Christian beliefs that they referred him to 'Prevent', the government's anti-extremism programme which found there was "no counter terrorism risk, or risk of radicalisation" in Rev Randall's message.

The school Chaplain claimed unfair dismissal but lost his case at an Employment Tribunal, who found his dismissal was a genuine redundancy aimed at saving the school money. They dismissed his claim of discrimination, harassment, and victimisation.  The Employment Tribunal judge, Victoria Butler, said there had been no victimisation and that Randall's referral to Prevent, had been justified from a "safeguarding perspective."

Trent College said they welcomed the judgement and said they were an "inclusive community." Reverend Russell said that he was extremely disappointed to lose the case and that it struck a blow at freedom of speech and freedom of religion. He added: "It is a foundational principle of a truly democratic society that the free exchange of ideas is good for everyone." 

Since losing his job, Rev Randall, has been made unemployable as a minister because the Bishop of Derby, the Rt. Rev. Libby Lane, will not permit him to work as a minister in the Church of England. He was blacklisted by the diocese as a “safeguarding risk” to children and vulnerable adults.


  1. Well there you are, it’s open season on Christians now.

  2. Compare his treatment with the Wakefield Mullers and the kids suspended for smudging dirt on a Koran,No chance of taking on Islam, but of course Christianity is up for utter destruction no problem.
