Thursday, 12 January 2023

Non-binary priest talks of his sexual revelations!


Reverend Bingo Allison

The Reverend Bingo Allison is a biological man with three kids. That is a fact. He says he had an 'epiphany' after reading the story of Adam and Eve, and discovered that he was "gender-queer" (whatever that means), and "non-binary". His chosen pronouns are 'they/them'.

 Bingo is the first non-binary priest to be ordained by the C of E. He says he feels that God has guided him into this new truth about himself and says Genesis 1:27, speaks about "from maleness to femaleness" as opposed to men and women.

To be clear, it doesn't say this at all. It says:

 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

 Bingo says the history of Biblical interpretation is: "littered with the opinions of rich, white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, neurotypical men assuming that everyone in the passages that they read thought like them and perceived the world like them." 

He visits schools, speaking with youths and encouraging LGBT+ people to join the church. He says his own little children have been lovely about it.

 I don't really have much time for churchianity, but many socialists have been influenced by the moral teachings within the Bible, such as the parables, and have often referred in their writings and speeches, to the teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ.

But socialists are more concerned with social-class, democracy, and political and economic equality, rather than identity politics, which takes social class and equality and redistribution, out of the equation. They're not really interested in "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars." 

I have no desire to dictate to people how they should live their lives, but I still think that reality is worth defending even if some people choose to abandon it. There are some C of E people who think the Anglican church needs to move with the times, but I can't see what relativism, or the equality, diversity, inclusion, agenda, has to do with the Christian Bible. It's of no relevance whatsoever. Nor do I think that the scriptures ought to be made amenable or shaped to fit in with the whims, follies, and fancies, of social cranks and quacks, or the delusional, such as the Reverend Bingo Allison, who clearly doesn't believe in the teachings of the Bible at all and is really just a proselytiser of queer politics, dressed in religious garb.

 The Bible doesn't recognise 72 genders, or something called non-binary or "gender-queer." This all belongs to the realm of fancy and Don Quixote. It also doesn't recognise same-sex marriage and condemns sex between men. It seems to me that the C of E is badly in need of some level-headed people. No wonder the churches are empty. 

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