Tuesday, 17 January 2023

NHS Hospitals offering patients the chance to jump the queue if they can pay!


What a surprise. The Financial Times reports that millions of people in Britain are now turning to the private health sector to get medical treatment. It seems that if you can stump up the cash, and grease a few greedy palms, you can jump right to the front of the queue.

Many NHS hospital trusts, are now offering "quick and easy" health care services, offering patients the chance to jump year long waiting queues. Hospitals are offering hip replacements from £10,000, cataract surgery for £2,200, and hernia repairs for £2,500. If you're struggling to get an MRI scan, you can get one for between £300 to £400.

Figures show that 7.21 million people are waiting for NHS treatment in England. Many NHS patients, are being told that they can bypass long waiting lists, if they can come up with the spondoolies.  A teacher from the North East, told the Guardian, that she'd borrowed £350 for an MRI scan, and said that there were posters on the hospital walls where she had attended, advising patients that test results were 3-days for private and 3-weeks for NHS.

What a fucking farce. Successive British governments have been running the NHS down for years. The so-called crisis in NHS healthcare in Britain, has been totally contrived. Don't be fooled. Both France and Germany, have faced similar problems to Britain with COVID and winter flu epidemics, but have far better national health systems.

For years, it has been privatisation by stealth and through the back door. What we're witnessing is the Americanisation of healthcare in Britain. What is being created is a two tier health service where those who can pay, get treated and those who can't, get relegated to the bottom of the queue, and have to hope they can get adequate medical treatment. Already, 50% of dental treatment in this country is now being done privately. Many patients, even struggle to get a face-to-face appointment with an overpaid GP.

In America, millions can't get adequate medical treatment or even pay for their medicine, because of the high cost. Private medicine is about making a quick profit. It's not interested in cancer patients or those people who have long-term health or underlying health problems. If you get knocked down in the street, they don't take you to a B.U.P.A. hospital, but to the A&E. Do we want a healthcare system that is based on profit or one based on need? The more that people feel compelled to pay for healthcare, the more we risk losing the NHS by default.

We should not forget that both the doctor's union, the BMA, and the Tory government, initially opposed the foundation of the NHS. When Nye Bevan, Labour's Health Minister, was asked how he'd managed to persuaded the doctor's to support the NHS, he said, "I filled their mouths with gold."


  1. The NHS is supposed to be free at the point of need. I know it’s not free because it’s our contributions that keep it going. But all things being equal, assuming that everyone is entitled to the same treatment, I do believe it to be deeply wrong and immoral to jump the queue just because you have the extra money to do so. Other people’s pain, their priorities and their lives are just as important as ours. We do have to take responsibility for our actions, but the government is responsible for the parlous state of the NHS. Remember, we all did our civic duty and accepted that lie in 2020, ‘Three weeks to protect the NHS’ - what a joke.

  2. I` ve just read your piece on patients being offered the chance to queue jump if they can pay . Your article is spot on , and the British will sleepwalk towards it with their usual vacant expression plastered across their faces . I can see this going the same way as the Pension Age being raised ; in France they are out on strike against it , meanwhile the Brits respond with a shrug . Now you know just why I have such a low opinion of them .
