Tuesday, 15 November 2022

"Zionism During The Holocaust" - Tony Greenstein.


I haven't read Tony Greenstein's latest book, "Zionism During The Holocaust", so I'm not in a position to comment on it. Nevertheless, I'm aware of the stance he takes regarding Zionism and the issue of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict because I've been reading his blog posts for a long time and I am familiar with his views.

Although Tony is Jewish, controversial, conceited, and the son of a Rabbi, some of his critics and detractors have denounced him as being a self-hating Jew and he was even accused of being a "notorious anti-Semite", by an equally notorious Zionist group, called the 'Campaign Against Antisemitism' (CAA). Tony, started defamation proceedings against the CAA, but lost the action. However, it's true to say, that many Jewish people who have pro-Palestinian sympathies and are critics of the Israeli state, frequently face accusation of this kind by the Zionist lobby.

What I can say, is that like Asa Winstanley, of the "Electronic Intifada" I have always found Tony Greenstein's articles well researched and very informative. Much of what he writes about the history of Zionism and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, I generally tend to agree with. Although he has tendency to skate on thin ice and to stick his neck out, he's generally truthful as far as he sees it, and is uncompromising when it comes to establishing the facts, however embarrassing that might prove for some.

In 2018, Tony was expelled from the Labour Party because they found some of his views and opinions unpalatable. They thought him far too honest. He was accused of "online abuse" but Greenstein says it was because he'd spoken out against the Israeli lobby within the Labour Party.

Jon Lansman, the wealthy Jewish founder of the pro-Corbynite group 'Momentum', described Tony Greenstein as "probably the rudest man in politics". Tony Greenstein wrote that he was outraged by Lansman's comments insisting that he was the 'rudest' and not 'probably the rudest' man in politics.

Tony Greenstein was expelled from the Labour Party when Jeremy Corbyn was the leader. Since the election of Sir Kier Starmer, as leader of the Labour Party, there has been a McCarthyite purge of left-wingers within the party including Jeremy Corbyn and left-wing organizations have been proscribed.

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