Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Truss says sorry for balls up!


Liz Truss says sorry for the Balls Up!

Some are predicting that Dizzy Lizzie Truss, will be out of office by next week. Others think she won't survive the weekend.

Kamikwasi Kwarteng was her fall guy who's been sacked for carrying out her economic policies - which now lie in tatters - and to save her own skin. Economically, they were both joined at the hip, mouthpieces for the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Taxpayers Alliance.

In the City, Kwarteng was known as the 'useful idiot'. Her performance at the press conference was pathetic and it showed how much she's out of her depth. She walked away after eight minutes and after taking four questions.

Liz Truss has made more U-Turns than a boomerang and she's got form for it. Less than two weeks ago, days ago she announced that she wouldn't be cutting public spending but now says she will be. She was adamant that her government would be sticking to tax cuts and then abandoned the cut in both Corporation Tax and the top rate of income tax. She was once pro-E.U. and then turned pro-Brexit. As Foreign Secretary, she said she supported British people going to volunteer to fight in the Ukraine, and then she said she didn't, after being hauled over the coals by the Foreign Office, who said it was a disastrous idea.

As a young Liberal Democrat, Lizzie was even an anti-monarchist who later became pro-monarchy. Her days are now numbered and it's only question of time before she's replaced by a General Election or another Tory leader. Her position is known in chess, as 'Zugzwang', meaning that any move she's obliged to make, is likely to worsen her position.

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