Thursday, 22 September 2022

Travelers set up camp on Hyde industrial estate.


Travelers on car park at Newland Conveyors in Hyde

As it becomes more difficult for travelers and Gypsy's to find authorised legal sites to camp on, we are seeing more cases of un-authorised trespass. Yet it seems that some travelers have  managed to turn their unwanted presence, to their own financial advantage. 

It seems that a group of travelers have been occupying industrial sites on the Broadway Industrial Estate in Hyde, Cheshire. Among the companies that have been affected, are Newland Conveyors and the Industrial Superstore, Tribard. We understand that Tibard, who provide uniforms for the hospitality sector, paid the travelers £5,000 to sod off. They then left the site and moved to another part of the industrial estate, to annoy another company. Newland Conveyors have brought in Court Enforcement Specialists to evict the travelers and another company, chose to ignore the travelers until they left, which took months. An eye witness, told Northern Voices, that the travelers have now started to blast out loud Irish folk music to annoy staff and that they had entered the offices of one company, to complain about being denied water from an outside tap that they were using.

Under the common law, travelers, their vehicles, and their livestock, can be removed from private land without a court order, when they are occupying land without the owner's permission. Every land owner has the right to remove trespassers from their land, using reasonable force if required. This right can be delegated to the landowners agent. The occupier is usually given 24-hours notice to leave and if they don't vacate the site, they get evicted. A so-called 'Halsburys' eviction is more straight forward and doesn't require a 'writ of possession'.

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