Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Odey says 'Remainers' are to blame for the pound crashing.


Cassino Capitalist - Crispin Odey

Hedge fund tycoon and capitalist speculator, Crispin Odey, says that 'Remainers' in the city who 'hate' the government, triggered the fall in the pound. Odey defended his "short positions" against the pound and UK assets, which allows his fund to make huge amounts of money when prices fall. The pound crashed following the announcement of the mini budget and tax cuts by the Chancellor, Kamikwasi Kwarteng.

In 2016, Crispin Odey, who supported 'Vote Leave' is said to have made £220 million on the Brexit vote, when he speculated that markets would crash after the decision to leave the E.U. It's been claimed that Odey already knew that Britain had voted to leave the E.U. before the decision had been officially announced, because he'd bought private exit polling data. Once they had that information, Hedge Funds, were in a position to make fortunes short-selling the pound in anticipation of it falling in value.

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