Friday, 26 August 2022

Youths ransack McDonalds in Nottingham!


Youths looting McDonalds in Nottingham

This video shows a group of around 50 youths looting a branch of McDonald's in Nottingham on 21 August.

Looking at this video that was posted on Twitter, the youths don't look emaciated or shabbily dressed, so I doubt that hunger was the motivation for robbing the store. It's believed the police made no arrests. The police may have been dancing the Macarena on a gay pride march or otherwise engaged with alleged 'hate speech' on Facebook or generally understaffed because of government cut backs. The incident may have been sparked by similar incidents that have appeared on social media in America.

Perhaps we're witnessing the beginning of recreational looting in England and a breakdown of law and order under the Tories. Let's face it, Boris's Tory government haven't set the youths of this country much of an example have they? With jobs, public contracts, and peerages dished out to Tory cronies and friends of the PM, and flagrant law breaking with 'Partygate', the Tory government have acted like a bunch of kids let loose in a candy store. And we've yet to see any arrests of public officials for possible malfeasance or corruption.

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