Friday, 20 May 2022


There can be no better example than the political crisis in Northern Ireland, to show that Britain is governed by a bunch of clowns. Boris Johnson got elected on the promise that he would get Brexit done. He then told the people of Northern Ireland that there would be no hard border with the Republic or a border in the sea, between Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Brexit Agreement and the Northern Ireland Protocol his government negotiated with the European Union resulted in a border being placed in the sea which effectively led to the annexation of Northern Ireland and left it in the E.U. single market. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), are now demanding that the border in the sea be removed because it impedes trade between Britain and Northern Ireland and have blocked the election of a new Speaker to the Stormont Assembly, to force the issue, leaving it unable to function.

Boris Johnson did not get Brexit done and he lied to the people of Northern Ireland about the border. He now wants to scrap or overhaul the Northern Ireland Protocol he negotiated with the E U. because of the problems it's causing in Northern Ireland.

Despite this balls up, of their own making, the Brexit Opportunities Minister, Jacob Reese-Mogg, says it's all the fault of the E.U. who are punishing Britain for Brexit. The incompetence of Boris Johnson and his government, could lead to a trade war with Brussels or a potential civil war in Northern Ireland and a return to the troubles if this political impasse is not sorted out. There's also the possibility that the E.U. will impose tariffs on trade with Britain if Johnson unilaterally revokes the Northern Ireland Protocol pushing up the cost of living further. Who was it that told us that getting a Brexit deal with the E.U. would be a 'walk in the park' and was 'oven ready'?

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