Monday, 16 May 2022

Labour Leader, Brenda Warrington, throws in the towel!


BREAKING NEWS: Although the Labour Leader of Tameside Council, Brenda Warrington, said she would defy any moves to depose her, by Labour plotters, and would not be "bullied, harrased, or intimidated" into standing down, we understand that the former cigarette worker, announced on Saturday evening that she was resigning and would not be opposing Councillor Ged Cooney's bid to become the next Labour Leader of Tameside Council. 

In the recent local elections, Labour lost two seats to the Conservative Party - Ashton Hurst and Hyde Godley. The controversal issue of the Godley Green development seems to have lost Labour the seat in Hyde Godley. The Tory opposition on Tameside Council, dubbed the Labour Leader, "Brenda the Bulldozer", and she angered many people when she declared that she would ram the development down their throats. 

Councillor Warrington, was elected the Labour Leader of Tameside Council in 2018, following the sudden death of the former Labour Leader, Kieran Quinn. After being the Labour leader for such a short while, and being unable to rally support around her, some have speculated that she may have come to the fag end of her political career.

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