Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Get A Job Says Boris!


Boris Johnson says the way out of the cost of living crisis is to get a job. But critics point out that the official figures show that 41% of people on Universal Credit, are in work.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, say that 68% of families living in poverty, include at least one working adult. The government say that there are more vacancies than people to fill them and that employers are having difficulty in finding people to do the jobs.

But what sort of jobs are we talking about? The gig economy, zero hour contracts, casual and temporary jobs? In Brexit Britain, having a paid job is no guarantee that it will lift a person out of poverty. Trying to get a decent paid regular job in Britain today, is a struggle for many people.

What also seems curious, is why wages are stagnating and failing to keep up with a 9% inflation rate, when we're told there's an increase in demand for labour, and bosses can't fill the vacancies. You'd expect a situation like this to be driving up wage rates.

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