Saturday, 10 April 2021

Our Prime Minister is Public Enemy Number One!

by Cliff Jones
ON TODAY's date in 1998 we had the Good Friday Agreement. Have you heard of that Prime Minister? Does it mean anything to you? Might you, perhaps, ask us to stand on our front door steps and clap for it?
I do not believe that you have the remotest notion of the harmfulness of your lack of concern. Your entire life has been a self-indulgent one. For you Brexit was a jolly jape. Telling big lies and getting away with it was so much fun.
Covid 19? You gleefully told us that you shook hands with it. Have you been on the phone to the prime minister of New Zealand to ask her the number of their dead?
You keep waving the Union Flag as the Union disintegrates. In other words, the more disunity that you create the louder you shout about unity. We are, most definitely, not all in it together. The privileges of your life are unknown to the vast majority.
As for Ireland, I suppose that to you it is no more than a slight irritant. I mean, does the Republic have Trident submarines? Can't be taken seriously then.
The Telegraph paid you £275k p.a. for a weekly column that I believe you said took one and a half hours to knock up (what a phrase) on a Sunday morning. You told us that was 'chicken feed'.
You, Prime Minister, are an irrelevance, a dangerous irrelevance!

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