Let a Great Assembly Be . . . ! | by Andy Wastling
Verse : 65 :
`Let a great Assembly be Of the fearless and the free On some spot of English ground Where the plains stretch wide around.'
The Masque of Anarchy
Percy Bysshe Shelley ( 1819 ) following the Peterloo Massacre of that year.
In his call for freedom, it is perhaps the first modern statement of the principle of nonviolent resistance.
Let a Great Assembly Be . . . ! | by Andrew Wastling
It's entirely understandable that a widespread national campaign is rapidly developing amongst campaign organisations , activists , academics and individuals. Patel might have inadvertently created a united front against this rogue government as an entirely unintended consequence.
It's heartening to read in yesterday's Independent that : More than 700 of the UK’s leading legal academics have signed a stinging open letter urging Boris Johnson to ditch draconian restrictions on the freedom to demonstrate, in one of the largest protests of its kind in decades. ( https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/police-bill-academics-letter-priti-patel-b1818695.html)
The attack on traditional Gypsy and Romany Travellers is straight out of the Tory Attack Handbook on New Age Travellers in the Public Order Bill of the 1980's which also generated a huge popular backlash. Some of us will also remember attending the huge and lively demonstration against the Criminal Justice Bill in the 1990's . The government is clearly expecting widespread expressions of popular discontent post Covid and are accordingly rigging the courts and legislature well in advance .
Murdoch of course has never forgiven Extinction Rebellion from preventing his newspapers being delivered and will no doubt have demanded an appropriate government response to ensure it won't happen again. Patel will as they say : Just be following ( Murdochs ) orders !
Unsurprisingly there are a large number of public petitions circulating on this huge attempt to marginalize and reduce the right to protest as follows:
House of Commons : Do Not Restrict our Rights to Peaceful Protest
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