Sunday, 7 February 2021

Has Animal Farm Come To Rochdale? by Les May

IT would seem that my puzzlement about Councillor Blundell’s standard response to messages sent to his council e-mail address has been clarified and we now know we are in the land of ‘porky pies’. The fact that he has been allowed to get away with this for so long does not reflect well on either the Council Leader or the council officer responsible for Governance. Perhaps one of these people will be kind enough to tell us just how residents are supposed to raise with this councillor matters which are of concern to them; by snail- mail?
It’s not just Blundell who doesn’t want to be troubled by awkward questions. This is what someone received when he tried to raise questions about 'Two Jobs Rumbelow' with Councillor John Hartley:
Dear Mr ****, Sorry I missed your call today as I was giving my services as a volunteer at the vaccine centre which I think was far better use of my time than speaking with you on the telephone. Now regarding your constant emails, all I am going to say is that the council decision was made in an open and transparent manner and you could have been at that full council meeting as a member of the public to check it out had you of wished to do so. I am not your councillor and do not wish to make any further comment on this matter and I will not responding any further.
Regards XXXX.
A borderline rude response from someone who seems to have an inflated sense of his own importance.

1 comment:

  1. Rumour has it that some of our councillors have been seen swarming like ' bees round honey ' volunteering ' at the local vaccination hubs despite being noticeably absent during the entirety of our earlier local Covid response, preferring the organisation and delivery of local support to be done in the greater part by unpaid volunteers rather than themselves or paid council officials who , along with our councillor class , have barley been seen in public since March 2020 of last year either on paid furlough, self isolating at home, working from home or else safely directing operations behind the trenches via the world wide web and the digital technology interface !

    It should be noted also that this apparent selfless public spirited zeal for volunteering in vaccination hubs may in some cases be down entirely to the hope they are able to get themselves vaccinated with a surplus vaccines at the end of the day rather than public spiritedness on their part ?

    Also there are numerous well paid roles in the vaccination hubs up for grabs. Perhaps it should be made clear which of our council staff and councillors are volunteering in the vaccination hubs and how many are being paid for shifts. Just to avoid any unkind criticism of their involvement it should be noted also and goes without saying that the genuine volunteers who I've spoken to , are of course the salt of the earth and entirely worthy of our gratitude and praise as the very best of humanity who we all owe a great deal.

    It would however be naïve in the extreme to assume some of our councillors have had a complete social conscience transplant overnight. So forgive me if I reserve a degree of cynicism regarding the motives of some of the usual suspects who have never done anything without trousering a fast buck in living memory and are sadly unlikely to start now
