The article raises the question of how the 'hapless', would be able to prove their 'negativity' if they haven't got a smartphone or some other whiz kid device. Presumably, they would have to go out and buy one or be refused admittance. Needles to say, this would be classed as essential shopping.
Although I don't take a blasé attitude towards the Covid pandemic and take precautions, it does raise serious issues concerning civil liberties and possibly discrimination.
A university lecturer said to me only recently, that he thought Britain was beginning to resemble Vichy France. I said, I thought, a more appropriate comparison was with East Germany - more state control, the erosion of civil liberties, shop a neighbour, more spying, and the Stasi on your back.
I just wonder what Mrs Gamp would have made of all this surveillance? After all, "I am not a Rooshan or a Prooshan" as she says: "and consequently cannot suffer spies to be set over me."
There is no proof that vaccines reduce transmission of Covid-19, so this is really just a gimmick to induce people to get vaccinated.