I ONLY met him once. It was outside the gates of Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, in 1963, Stuart
had only been in London a short while. His accent was so thick I had difficulty understanding
him. We were both selling papers. I had PEACE NEWS, and SANITY, (now long-gone,
published by national CND). Also, we were both selling FREEDOM, a very different paper
from what it has declined into. Stuart indicated that the papers were selling very well. Soon, we
were were both busy chatting with different people and I never saw him again.
When he was arrested [in August 1964] reactions were very mixed. Predictabley, the media’s response was something like”….typical anarchists...”. Young CNDers and our fellow travellers showed 100% solidarity with Stuart. We had an old motor coach to aid our campaigning, so drove to Blackpool for the Labour party conference.
Readers may know that back then CND was much more establishment oriented. The line was only to approve of traditional methods of getting our messages across. This was years before national CND voted to support non violent direct action; thanks to the women at Greenham Common in 1980. So instead of following the (then) strict line we lobbied for Stuart’s release. Old campaigners were furious with us. In mitigation we claimed, incorrectly, that he was only carrying literature; which was also illegal in Franco’s Spain.
Lessons were gained from it all. One was awareness of the extent of Franco’s spies. Also, how open we and other groups were to infiltration from different kinds of Cops. But too much caution can only lead to quietism.
Hi Martin, it's Bob Crane, just saying "hello"