Sunday, 27 September 2020

Managed Decline ? ( Unpublished letter to Rochdale Observer Letters Page )

from Andy Wastling
Readers might also want to watch the latest Communities, Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee from 24 September discussing the fire safety issues at Rochdale's Seven Sisters flats and other potential sites across the Township at :
Dear Editor , Viewpoints ,
Managed Decline ?
Yet more controversy over the widely opposed & universally unpopular plans by Rochdale Borough Housing (RBH) to College Bank flats , 'Take responsibility and resign' : Councillor sends message to landlord's top brass after fire safety issues discovered at Rochdale's Seven Sisters flats' , Manchester Evening News ( Nick StathamLocal Democracy Reporter 23/09/2020 ) reminds me that a whole host of organisations have seriously failed the residents of College Bank over a number of years to the point of managed decline.
For example on the issue of fire safety only last year an important consultation in September 2019 designed to inform constituents [1] regarding Proposals for £12.8million in cuts to the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, including reductions of fire engines, crew numbers and fire stations. Quite understandably this too has been the subject of controversy due to a woeful lack of participation from our elected representatives from elected Councillors across Greater Manchester .
The consultation report notes that "Updates were sent to councillors from across Greater Manchester through the consultation, to encourage them to respond and spread the information out to their local constituents. The email update was sent to 637 Councillors and 259 opened the email '
This means that 378 Greater Manchester Councillors did not open this email . I just wonder if a spokesperson for Rochdale Council would like to write in to ' Viewpoints ' and let readers know exactly how many Rochdale Borough Councillors bothered to open this email and contributed to the consultation ?
I'd also be interested to know exactly how many if any , local voters received an email from their local ward councillor cascading information to them regarding the proposals to cut the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service by £12. million and asking for their opinions to feedback to the Public Consultation ?
Yours faithfully ANDREW WASTLING
Drake Street , Rochdale

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