Saturday, 22 August 2020
'If Liberty Means Anything!'
A STATUE of George Orwell stands outside Broadcasting House, the
headquarters of the BBC, in London. The wall behind the statue is inscribed with
Orwell's words
'If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what
they do not want to hear'.
Although the statue was not unveiled until 7 November 2017, the
Northern Voices blog, and before that the magazine of the same
name, was established to be a concrete manifestation of that same sentiment.
We do not have an alignment with any political party and have a scepticism about
the activities of many politicians. It will be apparent to readers that our
contributors have left of centre allegiances. This covers a spectrum of
libertarians, trades unionists and democratic socialists. We believe that
everyone has the right to have a different viewpoint from ourselves and from
others, irrespective of who they are, and no one should be prevented from
expressing that viewpoint, even if we or others disagree with it. This does not
place upon us any obligation to publish material which is abusive,
unsubstantiated or merely an assertion. However often an assertion is repeated,
it does not make it true.
In commenting on the views of others we avoid overused terms like, racist, sexist,
homo-phobic, trans-phobic, islamo-phobic, anti-semitic, fascist, nazi etc, and
object to their use in contexts where they are little more than abuse intended
to intimidate others into remaining silent and so stifle debate on contentious
issues. If anyone reading this blog objects to what one of our contributors
has to say then we encourage them to write a comment. Unless they can provide
some evidence more substantial than their own opinion about the nature of the
content, it is unlikely that it will be taken down or altered.
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