Thursday, 27 August 2020

Don’t You Know There’s A War On? by Les May

I LIVE in Rochdale which is included in the Greater Manchester ‘Local Lockdown’. Last Friday a friend of mine, who like me is in the ‘vulnerable’ age group, met up for a chat with three friends in a Rochdale town centre pub. When I asked him next morning if people from four households meeting up fell within the recommendations; he said he did not know. I couldn’t be of any help because, like him, I am confused, though common sense says no. The day after another friend in the same age group visited Clitheroe with her daughter. Does it fall within the guidelines? No idea! And it’s not just individuals like me who are confused. Two weeks ago another friend in the same age group had to briefly visit the Rochdale Council offices at ‘The Fashion Corner’. Prominently displayed was a notice about ‘Track and Trace’. That didn’t mean whoever was behind the desk knew what to do. She was heard to ask whether my friend’s contact details should be recorded.
A few nights ago an Oldham cafe owner was interviewed for a local news programme after further restrictions were announced. He pleaded for some clarity about exactly what these further restrictions were. A couple of days later the Labour leader of Pendle Council said in an interview that he would have to apply further restrictions, but that neither he nor the police who would have to enforce them, had been informed by the government what they were.
Nor is it clear that all supermarkets are being proactive in insisting upon masks being worn in store thought this is supposedly mandatory in areas with a local lockdown. It’s a similar picture on buses and trains. The excuse being given at one large supermarket is that staff do not have the power to refuse entry, only the police have that power. I suggest the real reason is that supermarkets and transport providers fear confronting people who insist upon behaving in an anti-social manner by not wearing a mask. Again lack of clarity about what is mandatory is at the root of the problem.
Today it was announced that following WHO guidelines children in secondary schools in areas subject to a local lockdown would have to wear masks. It was also announced that the the government would NOT be following WHO guidelines which recommend that all teachers over 60, that’s about 2% of all teachers, and teachers who are pregnant should wear ‘medical grade’ masks. Outside these areas headteachers can decide on whether masks should be used. This is a decision ripe for conflict as many teachers may decide they are being told to work under unsafe conditions. Tomorrow of course the rules may change. Boris hasn’t yet learned you cannot please everyone all the time.
Since 3 July the average number of new cases of Covid19 has risen from 631 in the first half to 833 from mid July to early August and now to 1077 mid to late August. Since 2 July there have been nearly 42,000 new cases reported to 23 August. The explanation offered for this rise is that it is because more tests are being carried out; a.k.a ‘The Trump Excuse’. This is plausible in the case of the change in average new infections between the first and second period, 28% more tests against 32% increase in the average daily rate, but it is not plausible as an explanation for a rise between the second and third periods of 0.15% rise in the number of tests, averaged over a seven day period, being accompanied by a 29% rise in the average daily rate of infection.
The data upon which I based my calculations can be found at:
I’ve not yet spoken to any of the people I know who can tell me what they are aware that Rochdale Council has done during this period of ‘local lockdown’ to play its part in breaking transmission of the virus. Since 30 July when this period began the only thing I have been aware of is a TV interview with council leader Brett and an A5 leaflet from RMBC which popped through my door. This is against a background of a seemingly ever changing and vague set of rules/guidelines/recommendations from Boris et al.
When I was a child polio was the disease that parents dreaded which is why it was called ‘Infantile Paralysis’. A safe and effective vaccine has reduced the number of cases reported annually to less than 100 throughout the world. The virus which causes Covid 19 disease is going to be with us for the foreseeable future. We will only beat it when we have an effective vaccine and/or an effective cure. Until then the only thing we can do is adjust our behaviour to minimise the risk of transmission. Adjusting our behaviour means being in contact with as few people as possible, physically distancing ourselves from those we do meet, wearing a mask that covers our mouth and nose to prevent passing on the virus by coughing or via spittle when talking, and being scrupulously careful to wash or sanitise our hands after touching surfaces which might be carrying to virus.
These are irksome things to do for most of us. We’ve a devil dancing on our shoulder telling us to just get on with our lives. We need constant reminders as to why these things are important. It’s got to be Education, Education, Education! And this is where I think Rochdale Council has failed miserably because it is ‘just going through the motions’. Where are the large notices on every lamp post and every shop window and every billboard, reminding people of what they need to do to beat the virus? Non-existent so far as I can tell. Is anyone visiting local supermarkets and shops to remind them of their responsibility? My local corner shop certainly needs a visit. Is anyone liaising with the police to make sure the local rules are being followed?
There’s an old saying that ‘the best manure is the farmers boot’: Are you listening Mr Brett?

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