Sunday, 26 July 2020

‘Two Votes Rana’ Plays The Race Card

by Les May

THE extract from Rochdale Cllr. Faisal Rana’s blog published recently in the article at the link below must surely be one of the most brazen attempts to ‘play the race card’ that we have seen in Rochdale.  In a few lines he effectively accuses the Labour Party of playing host to people who are prejudiced towards non-white candidates and organising selection meetings which are designed to discriminate against and so exclude non-white candidates.   With friends like that the Labour Party does not need enemies.  At this point I should say that I live in a ward which has re-elected a councillor from the group which Faisal Rana claims to champion and I am entirely happy with the situation.

As for his claim that The selection process and selection meetings are poorly run… ‘ we can assume he has some knowledge of this. In February 2019 Northern Voices published a piece drawing attention to the strange goings on at a selection meeting held in the ward he represents.

Of course, just as with his Tweet 'Too few BAME councillors leads to bad decisions', he provides not a scrap of evidence to substantiate his claims and before repeating them he should do so.  His use of the acronym ‘BAME’ suggests that he is trying to ride on the coat tails of the protests against the murder of George Floyd and is trying to draw some sort of moral equivalence between that and his claims.

Not content with trying to make an issue out of ‘race’ he throws religion into the pot as well, implying that Labour also turns a blind eye to discrimination against Muslims.  Whether someone will make a formal complaint to the Labour Party about Faisal Rana’s insinuations is a matter for the future, but what we can say with certainty is that some people reading his comments will not take kindly to them.   If these are not a claims which brings the Labour party into disrepute, what is?

Of course his blog and his Tweet aren’t meant to influence the people he is attackingThey are directed towards the people who some would view as his ‘natural constituency’There’s a not altogether subtle hint here that he is ambitious to become an MP and looking to be seen as the ‘BAME’ champion, and that if he fails to be selected for a safe seat it will be because of prejudice. It is not altogether clear to me were the community of interest lies between say, Asian Muslims and African Christians.

What Faisal Rana fails to grasp is that respect for other people’s culture and views is a two way street. His comments about meetings being held on licensed premises looks like a classic case of the tail trying to wag the dog.  The Labour movement has a long history and there may be good reasons why this is the case, and why a lot of people feel entirely comfortable with itBeing in the presence of alcoholic drink does not mean that one has to indulge in it oneself. Couching his comment in terms of ‘discouraging Muslims’ just ends up looking like a demand for exceptionalism of the type we are familiar with hearing from a certain US president.

I judge people on the basis of their behaviour not their skin colour. If I feel uncomfortable that Councillor Rana is in a position to influence planning decisions and looks to be being groomed to handle the Finance Portfolio it is because he violated the basic principle of our democratic system, ‘one person, one vote’. If he fails to make further progress in the Labour party he should look to that as the cause not institutionalised discrimination. 


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