Saturday, 20 June 2020

Social Distancing: How Far? How Fast?

by Les May

THERE is likely to be an announcement about changing the advice on ‘social distancing’ within the next few days.  At present it is recommended that we remain at least two metres away from anyone else who is not a member of our immediate family.  Schools have had to reorganise their layout and time tables to accommodate this and it has effectively meant that pubs, restaurants etc would not be viable businesses even if they were allowed to open.

So what impact could a reduction in social distancing have on the spread of Covid 19 disease?  The likelihood of picking up an infection is greater if one is closer to someone else, but it is also increased if you are close to more people.

At first sight it might seem that reducing the recommended distance to one metre would double the number of people you were likely to encounter.  In fact it would quadruple the number.  Reducing the recommended distance to one and a half metres would mean you were likely to meet just over twice as many people, two and a quarter as many to be exact.

It will be interesting to see if the humanities graduates who dominate the media can do the sums.

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