Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Unite resolves bin worker distancing row

from Joe Bailey

UNITE in Scotland has welcomed an agreement with Perth and Kinross council that should reduce the risk of coronavirus exposures in bin workers.  The union said it had received numerous reports that refuse workers’ health and safety was being put at risk at the council’s Friarton depot.  This was due to the council's insistence on maintaining three operatives in a bin lorry.  Most local authorities across Scotland have now moved to a maximum of two operatives in a lorry, while others have been operating with just the driver in the cab with the rest of the crew following behind in separate vehicles.  However, Unite said following constructive talks with Perth and Kinross council, an agreement has been reached to move to a maximum of two operatives in a lorry and one operator following behind in a separate vehicle.

Unite regional industrial officer Susan Robertson said: “Unite fully appreciates that Perth and Kinross council wants to continue to provide its excellent waste collection service to the public.  However, this can’t come by putting in jeopardy the health and safety of the bin operatives which was happening. We are pleased that following productive talks we have now been able to find an amicable solution, which puts the safety of the workers first, while providing this essential service.”
Unite news release.

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