Sunday, 26 April 2020

Mr. Charalambous: 'Publish my reply in full'!

'Not a petition' maybe a woke manifesto?

 Editor:  Charles Charalambous has asked that we
publish his e-mail in full for our readers 
to judge.  In it he accuses us of making
'mispresentations of my views on your blog'.
Later on he goes further and suggests:  
'On reflection, I can only conclude that your 
misrepresentation of my views and communications 
with you are more likely wilful than not. Among 
other things, this goes against the principle 
of free debate in the labour movement.'  

We must leave it to our readers to decide if 
Mr. Charalambous views have been portrayed by us 
 either as 'mispresentations' or 'misrepresentations' 
or that we are further guilty offending 'against the 
principle of free debate in the labour movement.'  
As yet, Tameside Trade Union Council of which 
I am the secretary, has not signed-up to 
Mr. Charalambous's manifesto on Covid-19, but
we have at least published it in full on this Blog.



I WILL take the time to make three brief points in answer to your blog postings that refer to me:

1. Clearly, you have either missed the point, or are deliberately choosing to miss the point (I won't suggest anything worse) in order to generate more content for your blog. The appeal to trade unionists (bit of a clue there) which you refer to is not a petition to the government, as is obvious from the part you quoted ("Let's come together to push for the basic emergency measures that democracy requires.") and from the introduction to the list of basic emergency measures, which you carefully avoid referring to or quoting.

2. You have chosen to only publish the first part of my last reply to you, which ended:

I am not interested in correcting the mispresentations of my views on your blog - not because of any supposed "chains around some brains" (an ambitious claim based on limited evidence, I'd say Les), but because I have better uses for my time.*

By all means, feel free to quote Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper, but I would be more impressed if you engaged more directly with what people are living through today in the UK and worldwide.

3. You continue to mispell my name, despite spelling it correctly in your earliest post about me, and even after spelling it correctly (once) in an entire piece devoted to musings on spelling and grammar. My name is in black and white in my communications with you. Do you have a learning disability, or are you just being childish?

On reflection, I can only conclude that your misrepresentation of my views and communications with you are more likely wilful than not. Among other things, this goes against the principle of free debate in the labour movement.

Please therefore publish this reply in full and stop using my name to make spurious points in your blog.


Charles Charalambous

*  We did in fact publish what Charles Charalambous said as a comment...
'I am not interested in correcting the mispresentations of my views on your blog - not because of any supposed "chains around some brains" (an ambitious claim based on limited evidence, I'd say Les), but because I have better uses for my time.'


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