Sunday, 5 April 2020

Covid-19: Laurens Otter lambast's hospital food

by Brian Bamford
THIS last week N.V. was shocked to learn that the veteran anarchist Laurens Otter living in Wellington, Shropshire, and long-time supporter of the Northern Anarchist Network (NAN), had contracted Covid-19.  It seems that some months ago following an operation of his knee that he got a dose of sepsis, and that this resulted in him going into 'rehab', where he recently finished up catching the coronavirus.

When I spoke to Laurens yesterday his voice was weak but not hoarse, and he expressed his despondency that he was probably not going to be home for his 90th birthday, next Tuesday.*  Also he had not been able to get his usual copy of The Guardian, owing to his daughter, Fiona, not being able to visit him in the current climate of restrictions.

What cheered me up were his complaints about the painfully overcooked nature of hospital food.  It cheered me up as it was typical of Laurens going on about having to compromise about the dreary diet on the wards.

Today however, Fiona told me that he had had another phone call from Martin Gilbert, and that he had been moved to a cottage hospital which she thought was a move in the right direction as she said she thought that the staff felt that he was improving.  Though we both thought that he will be lucky to be out for his birthday.

Laurens has had a long history of fighting in both the anarchist and peace movements and many will wish him well at this time.  We wish both him and Fiona all the best at this testing time.

* Update 07/04/20:  Lauren is still having to spend his 90th birthday in hospital today, but if the 'powers that be' can get a care package in place, all being well he may be home by Monday next. 

Update 08/04/20: Laurens who last night was a bit groggy at 8pm is today eating his dinner according to the hospital. 

Update 09/04/20:  Laurens returned home today, and is sleeping on a special care bed tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Laurens, sorry to hear that you are unwell. I sincerely hope you make a speedy recovery. Best wishes comrade.

    Derek Pattison.
