Thursday, 19 March 2020

Whingeing Won’t Stop the Virus

by Les May

LAST Monday the ‘i’ newspaper devoted more than a third of its letters page to three long letters complaining that people over 70 have been referred to as ‘elderly’.  The day after Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who likes to style herself as ‘a leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Muslim’, decided to devote her entire column in the paper to the same topic.

You can get a flavour of it from opening sentences, ‘Who are you calling “elderly”? Why should those over 70 quietly acquiesce to house arrest?’  Being something of a snob she could not resist the opportunity to tell us how wonderful she is; ‘I have never worked as hard as I do now. I pen columns, broadcast, write books, run a charity, speaks at events, teach at university, and am reading dozens of books as chair of the RSL Christopher Bland Prize for authors over the age of 50.’   Followed by what looks rather like self praise; Look around you and you will see many others too, shining and unstoppable in their third age.’ (my emphasis) Yasmin may suffer from chronic whingeing but she certainly does not suffer from modesty.

This is whingeing for the sake of it. It suggests to me that older people have caught the habit. so commonly seen in younger people, of complaining about what people say rather than what they do. Open your mouth and say something some thin skinned individual, sometimes called a ‘snowflake’, does not like and you are likely to be labelled as ‘racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, islamophobic etc’.  Whatever I may think of Boris Johnson, a.k.a. Pinocchio, he is certainly not a racist.

For those who claim to be ‘of the left’ whingeing like this is letting the noise drown out the signal.  As in many other parts of the world our biggest problem in the UK is inequality.  What Yasmin did not bother to mention is that there is a steep gradient between poorer and better off women in terms of both longevity and years without illness or a limiting condition, a fact that will probably be reflected in deaths due to Corvid19.

Producing a Twitter storm about what someone has said or getting rid of the ‘Tampon Tax’ is viewed as a major victory when it has achieved little or nothing. I calculate that women will be better off by a whole 1p per week taken over their lifetime.   Some victory!

When I first heard that people over 70 might in a week or so be asked to voluntarily isolate themselves for a period months, I interpreted it as there being a window of just a few days to prepare myself and my wife for this. Instead of whingeing the letter writers would have been better employed thinking out the practicalities.  Contrary to Alibhai-Brown’s OTT comment, no one is going to place us under ‘house arrest’. It is advice; take it and protect yourself, leave it and accept any consequences.

Will Yasmin and the letter writers who object to the term ‘elderly’ be happy to forgo their pension, free prescriptions and free local travel, three benefits they get precisely because they are elderly? Thought not!


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