Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Playing Russian Roulette With Workers’ Health

by Les May

UNTIL the last election my MP was Liz McInnes.  I did not always agree with her, but I thought of her as ‘one of us’.  Unlike the many MPs who get into politics through the law, business, finance, charities etc, Liz had had what many people would call ‘a proper job’ before going into politics.

One of the baffling things about the government response to the Covid19 pandemic is that building sites are being allowed to stay open. Is it, I wonder, that so many of our MPs are drawn from the ranks of those I listed above and simply don’t have any grasp of what actually happens on a building site?

Telling the us to wash our hands frequently and maintain a distance of at least 2m apart, is excellent advice for the general public, but just how do you do this on a building site?  How do you keep 2m apart when passing on scaffolding?

Workers on sites will be handling materials and tools which will have been handled by their workmates.  If one of these is infected with Covid19, not yet showing symptoms, but shedding the virus, where are the facilities for regular hand washing to prevent the virus spreading by contact?  At best lavatory facilities on building sites are often not much more than barely adequate.

Health and safety has always been a big issue in the construction industry and sometimes a source of conflict between employers and workers, sometimes leading to men being ‘blacklisted’ for drawing attention to safety issues.

By not ordering building sites to close the government is playing Russian roulette with the health of these workers and their families.  Is it possible that someone does not want to draw attention to the bogus self employed status of men working in the construction industry if the sites are closed?



  1. As I write, care workers are still visiting homes, taxi drivers and bus drivers are still carrying passengers about and staff are working in the supermarkets. The police are driving about stopping people in the street to see if they've got a reasonable excuse to be out and about and are threatening to arrest people if they haven't. If you are not a pedestrian and are in a car, you should be okay.

    Under that buffoon, Boris Johnson, Britain's becoming a fucking police state. If you can contract the virus in pubs, clubs and restaurants, and your safer staying at home, then common sense, should tell you, you'll get it at work,but Boris Johnson is telling people to go to work.

    Not many weeks ago, Johnson was telling us that there was nothing to worry about because everything was under control and there were contingency plans in place. It was all bollocks as usual.They hadn't a clue. Football matches were cancelled but the Cheltenham Festival went ahead.

    What they've now managed to do, is to panic and spook people and that's why they're panic buying. As for medical assistance, most of us have been thrown under a bus, because you ain't going to get any. The reason there are fewer deaths in Germany is because they've got a better health care system than Britain - which has suffered from the Tory austerity policies since 2010 - and they treat people. But you can bet your bottom dollar, that Prince Charles is getting first class medical treatment.

  2. What is said here is frivolous.

    In Spain we have spent 10 days closed at home and the feelings are oddity and restlessness, to check every morning the advance of this pandemia, in spite of the exhausting work of all the professionals of health in this country.
    To see the empty street is rare and very sad, though the air is cleaner and less polluted for the lack of vehicles.
    We are fine but very worried,
