Tuesday, 28 January 2020

What’s in a Name?

by Les May

BIRCHFIELD independent girls school in the Aston area of Birmingham is about to mount a legal challenge against Ofsted.  The school was rated ‘inadequate’ after the inspectors found a 1994 leaflet relating to an Islamic conference in the library.  According to the inspectors the leaflet read ‘Today we find that the sons and daughters of Islam are under continuous attack by the forces of non-Islam’.  It also promoted the khaleefah which the inspectors seemed to believe is defined as the total rulership of Muslims over the world’.

This definition is rather strange and does no correspond with my understanding of its meaning, which I take to be leader of the Caliphate.  Used in this way it seems to me purely descriptive.

However in the not too distant past a related word was used as the title of a pernicious monthly magazine ‘Khilafah’ which itself seems to mean ‘Caliphate’. For a couple of years around 2001-2002 I bought it regularly in a local ‘asian’ supermarket in Rochdale and I still have some copies. I describe it as pernicious because of its content.  What has always puzzled me is why if magazines like this were busy promoting an alienation of Muslims from institutions like democracy, the attacks in September 2001 seemed to come as a surprise to everyone. Hidden in plain sight perhaps?


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