Thursday, 26 December 2019

The Data Death Ship for anti-Brexit team

ACCORDING to the Xmas issue of Private Eye both Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson had 'hard data telling them they would go down to an epic defeat if they gave prime minister Boris Johnson the election he craved.' 

What followed was what we now know to be a disaster.  

 Naomi Smith, cheif executive of the pro-European campaign group Best for Britain, commissioned a highly expensive 'multi-level poll' of British political attitudes. In June's Peterborough by-election it it prediction of Labour's vote share was only 0.6% off the actual result.  Private Eye claimed the Best for Britain researchers had considered what would happen if the Brexit Party leader, Nigel Farage, had decided to help the Tories. In the 2017 general election, Ukip didn't stand in hundereds of constituencies with pro-Brexit MPs. 

Best for Britain took their findings to the Lib Dem's cheif executive Nick Harvey, and Rhiannon Leaman, Swin's cheif of staff.  They continued to disbelieve the figures until the 28th, October when they voted to overturn the provision of the Fixed Term Parliament Act and give Johnson his election. 

The Best for Britian then tried Labour's James Frith, Anne Turley and other Labour backbench MPs were more receptive.  They were, according to Private Eye, aware that many of their voters hated Corbyn.  Private Eye added:  'They also knew they were just a handful of Commons votes from securing a second Brexit referendum.'

But Corbyn ordered Labour MPs to back an election saying:  'This is a once in-a-generationh chance to build a country for the many, not the few.'  'Bring it on' cried his sidekick Laura   Pidcock.  Swinson,and Turvey lost their seats. and Johson won his predicted majority.


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