Saturday, 2 November 2019

Johnson and Cummings could face criminal charges as Met passes Vote Leave file to CPS!

Under Fire - Boris Johnson 
IT couldn't have come at a worse time for Boris Johnson. After being recently booed by medical staff at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge and being told by Donald Trump that his 'Withdrawal Agreement on Brexit' (WAB), will hamper any trade agreement with the U.S. and make a future trade agreement unlikely, he's now learned that the Metropolitan Police have just referred a file on 'Vote Leave' to the Crown Prosecution Service for 'Early Investigative Advice'. The evidence submitted by the police could result in criminal charges being brought against the pro-Brexit campaign that was led by Boris Johnson and his key advisor, Dominic Cummings.

Last year, the Electoral Commission found that Vote Leave had broken electoral law by overspending  during the 2016 European Union referendum. The commission found that the campaign had funnelled £675,000 to the campaign by using another pro-Brexit group as a channel to avoid spending limits. Vote Leave was fined a total of £61,000. Others involved in Vote Leave, include Michael Gove, Dominic Raab, Priti Patel and Nigel Dodds, the D.U.P. MP for Belfast North.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas who is campaigning for a second Brexit referendum, said:
The 'Evil Svengali' - Dominic Cummings

"I'm pleased that the Metropolitan Police have finally taken action on this after sitting on the papers for 16 months. Vote Leave was the campaign fronted by the man who is now our prime minister, Boris Johnson, and his chief advisor, Dominic Cummings. It's hard to imagine a more serious matter for our democracy..."

Vote Leave have always denied any wrongdoing.

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