Monday, 5 August 2019

NOT the Page 3 Girl!- 'Shit Wigs & Steroids'

For years Northern Voices has had its flatterers at 
Freedom Press, who have claimed we represent 'The Sun'
of the North.  Today we have pleasure in publishing
our first 'NOT the Page 3 Girl', and we know those
sleek Southerners who love us will be delighted. 

The NV Editors 



  1. Bigger balls than mine.Good on him.Great to see this booklet surface .Just got mine via Naples.

  2. When I saw this image my first thought was to wonder if it had been ‘Photoshopped’ as the head looks disproportionately large. Assuming it is genuine I’m sure many people will be like me and find it amusing. The person in the picture does not look as if they would be too distressed by this. You don’t show off tattoos like this if you are too concerned about what other people might think. So far as I am concerned dressing like this is a pretty harmless avocation. The individual is not trying to pass himself off as anything but what he is, a man in a dress.

    The problems only arise when some people, in an effort to show how ‘liberal minded’ they are, insist that this means he is ‘transgender’ and turn dressing up into a political statement. If looking like this is what ‘floats his boat’ good luck to him I say.

  3. Its me in the picture. Yes i see myself az male. I live this life 24/7. The booklet is great and everything I've been saying for 3 to 4 yrs regards the trans cult.

    I was in Shrewsbury educating people about trans madness. Job done.

    It was a year to the day when Shropshire Antifa / Class War threatened to attack me for doing a self id outreach in Shrewsbury.

    Cut a long story short a couple of mates from the AFA days started paying house visits and bumping into these individuals around town.

    In the end one of Shropshire Antifa / Class Wars leader went to the police for protection and I was arrested.

    At the same time these people attacked a Unite trade union meeting in Shropshire as the union would not expel me.

    The story reached national news as a Labour womens officer who's trans sent me sexual explicit tweets and his partner threatened to kill me.

    Cut a long story short 16 police officers from CID and other police departments were investigating and 4 were issued formal police cautions.

    The story reached national news and was even discussed on a NZ tv show.

    One of them went on the run. Tom Edward who is another of Ian Bone's rent boys who was convicted at 17 yrs of age for child rape.

    The outreach went ahead with no visible opponents as the police advised them to stop at home as they woould not be protecting them.

    One of those from Class War / Shropshire Antifa was forced to make a statement by his own father in which he owned up to what they had planned.

    It took almost 8 months for this to come to a conclusion.

  4. Another English eccentric. Sounds like he needs to see a psychologist urgently! Identity politics,the lifestyle left, it's all bollocks and serves the purpose of alienating and dividing the working-class in a bourgeois society.This is the politics of the music hall.

  5. Firstly I don't support the notion of identity politics. Its through working class politics that the rise of the EDL was stopped in my area by a small number of people getting out on the estates to win working class folks over in regards to the grooming that has been going on here. The book I'm holding and promoting is anti-identity politics. I've spoken to 100's of people on the streets regards this issue in Shropshire, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool.

  6. Old Mother Riley is clearly confused! Street Voice UK is making a subversive attack on identity politics in the same way that Oscar Wilde's portrayal of the 'Dandy' was an attack on the British bourgeoisie.* Why do you think the tran’s tribe hate him so much?
    *Oscar Wilde, le destin romanesque d'un dandy provocateur!
